Arbejde Research Scientist position in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry unspecified CHR HANSEN A/S - jobtilbud

id: NTAyMjU4MyA3

reference: 5022583

documentId: 5022583

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1564057805863

Research Scientist position in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry


Do you want to pioneer science and improve food and health for more than 1 billion people every day?

At Chr. Hansen, we work to improve food and health and our natural ingredients are consumed by more than 1 billion people every day.

Our success is built on more than 140 years of innovation and a commitment to ensure the wider adoption of natural ingredients. This allows us to expand innovations into new areas, and to  continue working towards a better world. As a global market leader in bioscience, we have the opportunity to address important global challenges such as food waste, healthy living and sustainable agriculture – and we need the brightest and most passionate people on board to succeed. Want to join us?


A career with Chr. Hansen 
Joining Chr. Hansen is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference while taking part in pioneering science. Our founder, Christian D. A. Hansen, was a true entrepreneur and that mentality is still very present and valued today as we look for new talent to strengthen our team. We value people who can come up with new ideas and who want to form their own work practice and methods.

We believe that engagement matters, and therefore we strive to make an optimal environment for development by promoting a collaborative culture with the passion to make a difference.


Research Scientist position in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
We are expanding with a research scientist for a permanent position in the Biochemical Analysis Department within R&D in Hørsholm, Denmark.  

Chr. Hansen is a world leading company within manufacturing of microbial culture and enzyme-based products for the food and health & nutrition industries. Biochemical Analysis is part of Analytical Solutions, where we play a central role in projects and activities related to development of new products, including process development and their application.  

The focus of the department is to develop and implement chemical methods as well as perform biochemical analyses for culture and product performance. You will become part of a busy department and will work in projects with partners throughout R&D, where we aim for scientific excellence, and provide high value to our customers. 


Your tasks
As our new Research Scientist, you will take on a role with high complexity. Your everyday will be a combination of both participating in different projects and working hands on in the laboratory developing methods and trouble shooting.  

Within the area of method development and quantification your tasks include: 

  • Optimize sample extraction procedures for various complex matrices e.g. bacterial fermentations and plant material biological matrices
  • Development of qualitative and quantitative methods by LC-MS for small molecules, peptides, and proteins to support new product development, including process screening and characterization of new products 
  • Implementation and daily responsibility of maintenance LC-MS equipment
  • Use advanced data analysis tools to extract information from the data generated to visualize and communicate to costumers
  • Coordinate with other departments and communicate the results generated within different projects to ensure alignment of interpretation of results and best experimental praxis


Your personal profile
It is essential that you hold a PhD within analytical chemistry, metabolomics, natural product chemistry, food chemistry or a related relevant area. This combined with experience with detecting and quantifying metabolites produced by microorganisms makes you the ideal candidate. 
Further, the preferred candidate:  

  • Have expert knowledge in liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (troubleshooting, method development, and theory) 
  • Have hands-on experience with time-of-flight and triple quadrupole instruments
  • Is highly self-motivated as well as a proven team player with outstanding communication and networking skills
  • Is fluent in spoken and written English 
  • Have experience with biological systems, fermentation, microbial and/or food chemistry
  • Have experience with programming/data analysis skills with R and/or Matlab


We offer 
A challenging position in a global company, with excellent opportunities for personal development. You will be part of an expanding and hard-working team of competent and specialized colleagues and you will have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the future activities within the Biochemical Analysis department.


For more information and application

If you have any questions, please contact Senior Manager, Rikke V. Hedegaard, DKRIHE (at) or +45 4574 7474.  

Deadline for applications is August 4th, 2019.  

Read more about a career at Chr. Hansen here:

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: CHR HANSEN A/S

source: DK-STAR


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