Arbejde Reliability Engineer – Large Green Field Project unspecified Total E&P Danmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4946736
documentId: 4946736
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1550233690050
Reliability Engineer – Large Green Field Project
General Services, Industrial Projects, Information Systems, Operations/Exploitation, Secretarial/Administrative Support, Strategy Economics Business
Job Description
Are you interested in taking part of the redevelopment of the existing Tyra field? And, would you like to provide specialist technical steer and guidance relating to optimum performance and continuous improvement in reliability and availability for safety and production critical equipment? If yes, then this position at Total Exploration and Production DK (TEPDK) in Esbjerg might be your match! Position is a time limited contract, end date mid 2022 with possible extension.
Key Responsibilities
You will have the responsibility of identifying data-driven opportunities & champion ‘Lean’ initiatives that maximize production efficiency in support of Operations Excellence (OX) initiatives, within the parameters of environmental compliance and process safety. You will take the lead in challenging existing standards and driving innovative solutions. Furthermore, through reliability-oriented maintenance strategies you will drive down maintenance hours and increase system & equipment availability. Finally, you will be a focal point for implementation of reliability-oriented maintenance strategies into the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
These areas of responsibilities will include tasks such as:
- Act in leadership role within the reliability and work closely with Maintenance, Operations, Engineering and HSE Managers;
- Provide technical guidance to the project team and Asset;
- Develop and implement predictive and analytic work processes;
- Participate in FAT (Factory Acceptance Test);
- Identify risks, evaluate performance and interpret data within reliability;
- Participate as Operations reliability representative in the detailed design phase, adding constructive challenge to solutions and relevant operational experience to the project;
- Participate in relevant reviews;
- Ensure the maintenance strategies are aligned with the equipment failures.
Fixed Term Contract: End date: 31/05/2022, with possible extension
Context and environment
We offer – Exploration and Production, DK
Total offers you a unique opportunity to join one of the top five Oil & Gas majors operating in more than 130 countries with over 150 nationalities in 500 professions.
With Tyra being Denmark’s largest gas field, Total is now the 2nd largest North Sea operator. After more than 30 years of production, the Tyra field requires a full redevelopment due to the subsidence of the chalk reservoir. This has led to the Tyra platforms sinking by around five meters since production started and has reduced the gap between the sea and the platform decks.
You have the chance to witness the overlap between the physical and digital worlds being part of new ground-breaking solutions for digital oilfields and integrated operations.
This is where you come in; Take action today and shape tomorrow’s energy in Total at our office in Esbjerg. Today, Total Exploration & Production Denmark is a team of more than 1,800 people from 45 nationalities, of whom 750 work offshore, 750 in Esbjerg and 300 in Copenhagen providing the regional business with leadership, technology, innovation and service.
As the Reliability Engineer and part of the Tyra Redevelopment project (TRD), you will be able to shape and develop a central role with great influence in providing Reliability Lead with support to assure a cross-business understanding of how Reliability Engineering and analytic and predictive tools can deliver business benefit. This is with the opportunity to act as the interface between Project Operations, the Operating Asset and Technical Excellence to ensure that Maintenance & Reliability issues are considered in relation to all Design and Construction stages of the project. Finally, you will get to take the lead role in driving for achieving world class maintenance, reliability and integrity throughout the life cycle of the Asset.
For HR related questions regarding this position, please contact Recruitment Partner, Claus Mengel-Niemann on +45 22 63 33 77. For the position/job related questions, please contact Ole Munk on +45 71779859.
Candidate profile
Who we are looking for
It is important that you possess a safety mindset and address the job with a strong understanding of the business and people. Naturally, you thrive in a highly independent and visible position in a free and dynamic working environment. Moreover, this position calls for an innovative, flexible and open-minded person able to challenge with new ideas in project teams. This is with knowledge of planning and executing of offshore work. Therefore, it is essential that you understand operability, brownfield modification requirements and green field projects. We are looking for a strong team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to ensure that decisions are made according to optimal safety, economical and commercial dispositions. Finally, you possess great analytical and systematical attitude founded on the usual reliability tool like e.g. RCA’s, fishbones which makes you able to take sound reliability decisions.
Your background
- Engineering degree in Marine, Mechanical or Instrumental specialization is preferable. Process/Chemical Engineering, relevant industry experience or recognized qualifications will be taken into consideration
- Seasoned experience in Operations and Production
- In-depth operational experience in Maintenance and Commissioning
- Solid understanding of Mechanical Rotating & Static Equipment and Valve Monitoring
- Familiarity with industry practice and stands
- Proficiency in oral and written English
Offer ID
Technology, General Operations Responsab, Project Management, General Services Responsibilit
Employment type
Fixed term position
Experience level required
3 - 6 years, 6 - 10 years, 10 - 15 years, 15 - 20 years, More than 20 years
Exploration and Production
Job Expires
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Total E&P Danmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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