Arbejde Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud
reference: 4904150
documentId: 4904150
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542027077176
stillingsbetegnelse: Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Aarhus
Are you a regulatory affairs professional, with the skills to work on a global agenda? Are you ready to take up a key role in a global organisation marked by entrepreneurial spirit, a strong innovation pipeline and substantial organic growth? Arla Foods Ingredients is an independent company within the Arla Foods Group and a global leader in natural whey ingredients for many different categories including bakery, beverages, dairy, infant and sport nutrition. Right now we are growing our regulatory affairs team to deliver against our ambitious plans and are recruiting for a Regulatory Affairs Specialist at our headquarters in Aarhus.
You drive regulatory activities for Arla Foods Ingredients, globally
Reporting to the Director of Global Regulatory Affairs, your area of responsibility will be within food regulatory affairs with emphasis on ingredient approvals (Novel Food, GRAS etc.), new product development, product standards and regulatory support to product marketing. Your overall objective is to support the pediatric business unit in AFI on strategic and legal requirements.
The pediatric business unit has developed a range of ingredients that support nutrition in the early life stages: from pregnancy to infancy and toddler years, it will be your job to secure that all ingredients have market access and fulfill legal requirements. This covers tasks such as interpretations on production standards, product standards, infant formula regulation, microbiology and contaminants. This means that you’ll need to have a very proactive approach to regulatory affairs and always be thinking one step ahead in order to pave the way for new ingredients. You should be able to deal with issues in relation to the interpretation of current legislation on food and product standards. The main markets of interest will be are the EU, the US and China.
You will be involved in the business function from the start of product research and development right up to the post-marketing stage of the process, including the plans to test the product before it’s ready for market. You will also be participating in working groups with customers to support them and secure regulatory compliance of their products. You will act as internal project manager for approval projects, coordinating both internally and with external stakeholders.
You will arrange consultations and meetings between AFI and government regulatory agencies, in addition to compiling briefing documents for the government agencies. Finally, you will participate in internal and external networks in order to influence legal frameworks where ever possible, and to continue developing and maintaining your regulatory knowledge.
Background within Regulatory or passion for regulatory
We are looking for an enthusiastic, proactive, independent and detail-oriented regulatory professional with solid experience in food regulatory, or related areas. As a minimum, you have a master degree within Food Science, Food Technology, Dairy Science, Human Nutrition or similar, or you have exhaustive working experience with legislation and a desire to work more in depth with legislation and regulatory affairs. It you have experience with Chinese food legislation or speaks Chinese it is an advantage.
Either way, you have a passion for and a thorough understanding of - dairy and/or child nutrition and a passion for learning more about our whey protein based products.
You bring a solid business understanding to the table, have a global mindset and the capabilities to take the regulatory agenda to the next level. You know from experience that clear and concise communication is an important key to success in a position as regulatory affairs specialist and apply structure and meticulous working methods into your area of responsibility Since you will engage with internal and external stakeholders around the world, you are expected to be fluent in English, both in speak and writing.
Applications will be processed when they are received and interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis. Therefore, please send your application as soon as possible.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA
source: DK-STAR
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