Arbejde R&D Electronics Hardware Developer unspecified DGS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4NjcwNSA3

reference: 4886705

documentId: 4886705

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538557773216

stillingsbetegnelse: R&D Electronics Hardware Developer


Our mission is clear: We want the hearing impaired to be able to experience the sounds of life. This is the foundation for everything we do. This is what drives us and keeps us focussed on innovation and efficiency. We want to develop the world’s best hearing healthcare solutions. Nothing less.

We push the boundaries of what is technically possible
For us, true engineering excellence is to deliver an ultra-small technological marvel in a discrete, user friendly package. This takes state-of-the-art development methods and serious engineering skills. We want unmatched, high performing solutions and we walk the extra mile in our quest for technological excellence. You can be a part of our success by joining our international R&D team in Denmark as a “Electronics Developer”. You will contribute to strengthening our development capabilities within hearing solutions. Furthermore, you will be part of a dynamic environment built on trust and openness, where you will find a strong will to win.

The set-up
You will be part of a growing international company with many opportunities for professional and personal development. In the Hardware function we have been dedicated and worked hard to deliver the hardware foundation for our Velox platform. But we will not rest here; we are already looking into how we can further optimize our technology, and therefore we are looking for an R&D Electronics Hardware Developer who can strengthen our Hearing Instrument Amplifiers and Connectivity devices group. Our group consists of more than 50 highly dedicated and experienced engineers and technicians. The group is responsible for developing all electronics within Oticon hearing aids and connectivity devices, using generic platform components and solutions.

You can look forward to…
You will be involved in all steps from initial product specification to design handover for mass-production. You will get a chance to design electronics platforms against challenging requirements with assistance from experienced colleagues, advanced CAD- and simulation tools and modern lab-facilities.

Our hearing instruments are based on Oticon’s proprietary, in-house developed, IC’s. The task of our group is to integrate those IC’s along with Bluetooth antenna, nEARlink antenna, Telecoil and acoustical transducers to create a state of the art product. Designing small size products with excellent performance is the key driver for success and the limited space and high integration level makes this a very challenging task.

Your main responsibilities will be:

  • Integration of IC’s and other key components onto PCB’s
  • Supporting the creation of prototype builds including electrical test specification
  • Conducting electrical measurements in the lab
  • Verification of electrical performance against requirements, e.g. wireless links, audio quality, EMC & ESD etc. in relevant use cases
  • Documentation of own work by means of e.g. design specifications, test specifications, measurement reports
  • Drive cross functional HW integration activities by combining your skills and an outgoing mindset

Your qualifications
We expect you to hold an M.Sc. or B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering. You might be newly graduated or have some experience as an Electronics Developer. You must be able to work within your own technical area and at the same time maintain an overview and be able to tie things together on a system level. Furthermore, it will be an advantage if you have:

  • Knowledge within the Sensor area (e.g. accelerometer, magnetic switch, IR-detector or similar)
  • Knowledge within the area of rechargeable systems and switching power supplies


You are a team player and thrive in an environment with a high pace where two days are rarely alike. You furthermore show a high level of personal drive to ensure your tasks are in progress and you take an analytical and systematical approach to complex problem solving – which you find exciting and rewarding. You know how to work according established quality processes and have a good documentation practice, as we are a medical device regulated company.

Join our team!
We believe that the best results come from a fruitful team effort. We support each other and constantly share feedback and knowledge to improve our results. We have an informal and creative atmosphere where respect is pivotal, and we strive for the common goal. To join our team, please send your CV and cover letter as soon as possible and no later than 29 October.

If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Hardware Manager Michael Christensen on +45 5117 6736.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DGS Denmark A/S

source: DK-STAR


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