Arbejde Quantity Surveyor - Odense Letbane unspecified MUNCK GRUPPEN A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwODA0MiA3

reference: 4908042

documentId: 4908042

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542789967066

stillingsbetegnelse: Quantity Surveyor - Odense Letbane


Munck Civil Engineering seeks to attract a quantity surveyor, who will be responsible for monitoring and substantiating claims and variation of works in the project “Odense Letbane”.  

In contact with all departments, you should collect the necessary information (tender documents, productions, costs, variation orders etc.) to elaborate the estimations of the amounts to be paid to the Contractor by the Client. Your major responsibilities will also include justification, negotiation and getting management approval for these estimations.  

You will work as part of the Contract Management Department.  

Key accountabilities 

• Control status of claims notified to the Client and subcontractors 

• Estimate time and cost implications of claims and variation of works 

• Undertake cost analysis for work completed 

• Oversee measurement and valuation of variations in the work during the contract, for agreement of intern payments and the final account 

• Prepare cost analysis based on the architectural drawings, engineering estimates, materials required and labor involved 

• Prepare tender and contract documents, including bills of quantities for subcontractors  

Skills & experience 

• Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying, Civil Engineering or similar 

• Experience in a quantity surveying role  

• Fluent in English  

We offer 

• An exciting, variated and challenging position in an international environment  

• Collaboration across working areas, languages and cultures 

• Personal and professional development at work 

• A professional and good working environment  


Do you have any questions to the position, please contact:  

Laura Hedegaard Holm on +4529223233 or lhh (at)  


16 December 2018.  

We look forward to receive your job application. Please use the button “Send ansøgning” to submit your application and CV.   

Munck Gruppen består af Munck Forsyningsledninger, Munck Asfalt, Munck Havne & Anlæg, Tarcopol, Munck Íslandi og Munck Civil Engineering. Koncernen er landsdækkende og international funderet med projekter/afdelinger i Polen, Grønland, Norge og Island. Munck Gruppen er en af Danmarks førende asfalt- og entreprenørvirksomheder med ca. 1.500 medarbejdere og en omsætning på godt 2 mia. DKK.

  • Munck Forsyningsledninger etablerer og renoverer forsyningsledninger f.eks. fjernvarmenet, kloak og vandledninger.
  • Munck Asfalt udfører asfaltopgaver på motorveje, landeveje til parkeringsanlæg og indkørsler.
  • Munck Havne & Anlæg opfører og renoverer havneanlæg og udfører jordarbejde, kloakarbejde og anlægsbeton.
  • Tarcopol laver bro- og betonrenovering samt ekspansionsfuger og støbeasfalt i Polen.
  • Munck Íslandi beskæftiger sig med havnebyggeri, kystsikring, erhvervs- og boligbyggeri, lufthavne, tunneller, vejbygning og etablering af kraftværker.
  • Munck Civil Engineering udfører større infrastrukturelle opgaver – både nationalt og internationalt. Senest en lufthavn i Bangladesh samt et renoveringsprojekt af landingsbanerne på Thule Air Base i Grønland.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MUNCK GRUPPEN A/S

source: DK-STAR


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