Arbejde QA Engineer unspecified TRACKMAN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4912619
documentId: 4912619
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543582568853
stillingsbetegnelse: QA Engineer
Job abstractJV_description
Are you a talented QA engineer with an interest in test automation?
Then this opportunity could be perfect for you
TrackMan is experiencing enormous growth, and we are therefore looking for talented QA engineers to help make our golf, baseball, American football, soccer and all other products even better.
This position offers you a unique opportunity to work with development of a product composed of various hardware and software platforms. This means you will get a lot of opportunities through your work life at TrackMan to learn new skills. Your input and way of challenging existing working routines will be appreciated and you get to work with a cool, market leading brand!
You will become part of a cross functional team of skilled developers, QA’s, UI/UX, product owners etc. and you will have the chance to impact your own way of working. Therefore, your success and well-being at TrackMan depends on your ability to work independently as well as team oriented. Our company culture is open, informal and fun – and we continuously aim to heighten our quality as well as the individuals’ capabilities and skills.
As our new QA Engineer your key task is to help TrackMan make the right products in high quality through design, maintenance and execution of test scripts, test cases, scenarios and more. We strive to develop and run automated testing, yet some manual testing is also part of the job.
The ideal candidate for this position:
- Has a relevant education in Computer Science or equivalent
- Is experienced within classic software test using test cases and bug tracking software
- Has experience with manual testing
- Has a high attention to details and takes great pride in the quality of his/her work
- Proactively seeks to improve our processes and tools
- Enjoys a collaborative work environment
It will also be a plus if you have:
- Experience with Scrum and/or Kanban
- Experience with programming in C# or Java
- Experience with automated testing
Join the home of a powerful sports brand and a one-of-a-kind technology
Our proprietary technology is based on expert knowledge about radar, computer vision, data and software engineering. Our solutions are developed by specialists who endlessly explore and challenge new technical boundaries. TrackMan’s blend of cutting-edge technology, sports and continued growth make our company an outstanding place to work. Our work culture is entrepreneurial, ambitious and rewarding as you get to collaborate with inspiring colleagues and interact with the leaders of golf, baseball and football. Based on a unique brand reputation, we are proud of working in close partnership with the top athletes, organizations and teams that rely on our technology to stay ahead of the race.
We are a Danish company founded, owned and managed since 2003 by three entrepreneurs with a strong passion for sports. Today, we have a global footprint with our headquarters located in Denmark (Vedbaek) and offices in New York, Phoenix, Poland and Tokyo. We are more than two hundred and fifty people worldwide, half of which work in Denmark where most hardware and software products are developed, tested and manufactured.
Where innovation happens
At TrackMan, we know that great people make great products. We believe that teams thrive and innovation sparks in an atmosphere where people are encouraged to think for themselves, where everybody’s voices are heard, and where the best ideas prevail in the pursuit of the exceptional solution. This mix is what makes TrackMan an inspiring company – for our customers and our colleagues.
Share our Passion!
For additional information about the position, please contact HR Manager Lene E. Olesen at +45 5151 0546. Applications are continuously assessed, so please send your application as soon as possible. If you got what is takes, apply today and join a company with great technologies, passionate colleagues, and great opportunities to grow.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRACKMAN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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