Arbejde Project Planner-180002ZE unspecified Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4859677
documentId: 4859677
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1533207544523
stillingsbetegnelse: Project Planner-180002ZE
Are you looking for a career opportunity in a large project management organisation? Are you a strong planner who likes organising things and bring projects under control? Are you the kind of person who likes working in a fast-paced environment where detailed planning and organising projects are key factors to achieve successful goals?
We are hiring a group of Project Planners for Aarhus or Lem in Denmark and we are open for different profiles. Are you one of them?
Vestas Power Solutions > Engineering > Project Management Office (PMO)
You will be part of the centralised project management organisation in Vestas Power Solutions with close to 100 professional Project Managers. We want to expand with a Project Planning function based in Denmark and in Chennai, India. As Project Planner, you will be responsible for planning multi-disciplined and cross-functional projects primarily related to product and technology development. You will ensure that projects are planned at a high professional level at the required level of detail. The type of projects may vary from technology products, product development and other types of solutions.
The Project Management functions in Vestas Power Solutions is setting the standard for project management, and as Project Planner, you will be part of a great team and have a direct influence on the planning quality.
You will be part of a group of Project Planners supporting the major projects managed by PMO with professional planning during the lifecycle of the project. The group will develop and maintain best practices within project planning. Your responsibilities and tasks will be to:
- Facilitate and conduct planning workshops for project teams
- Conduct detailed project planning and scheduling to Work Package level, looking 2-3 months ahead
- Support technical team in time estimation based on historical data for "standard" tasks and deliverables
- Support quality assurance of time estimations and plans from sub suppliers, and consolidate with own plan
- Support project manager in understanding and communicating the project plan elements
- Perform critical paths analysis and risk impact on plan schedule
- Maintain and update project plan
- Scenario planning if needed to support best available opportunity
- Mapping of project dependencies across projects
- Graduate at bachelor level or higher with organisational skills
- Or you have already experience within the field of project planning, capacity planning or similar.
Professional skills:
- Project estimation methods, planning and scheduling
- Scenario planning, simulating impact of risk on project plan
- MS Project expert, server edition (or similar IT tool)
- Proficient in using JIRA for task management
It is an advantages, if you have proficiency with:
- Prince 2 Foundation
- Vestas Way to Market (VWtM), and other Vestas project frameworks
- However, both can be obtained after job start.
Personal Skills:
- Analytical skills
- Detail-oriented and highly structured
- Strong in interaction with other people, facilitation and communication
- IT minded
- Furthermore, you are curious by nature and possess an ability to see planning in a broader context
What we offer
We offer an exciting job with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development in an inspiring environment at the world's leading wind turbine producer.
We value initiative, responsibility, involvement and the right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions. You will become part of a highly professional environment with a strong technical commitment. Vestas is growing and developing, and so is the project management organisation. We want you to grow with us. We regard the project planning as a possible entry for the right candidates, into a longer-term personal development path leading into project management positions in Vestas within a few years.
Additional information
You will be based at VPS headquarter in Aarhus, DK or at our VPS site in Lem, Western Jutland. Application deadline: We are looking forward to see your application as soon as possible.
About Vestas
Vestas is the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 92 GW of wind turbines in 79 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.
Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and unparalleled 78 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to interpret, forecast, and exploit wind resources and deliver best-in-class wind power solutions. Together with our customers, Vestas’ more than 23,900 employees are bringing the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future.
We invite you to learn more about Vestas by visiting our website at and following us on our social media channels.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S
source: DK-STAR
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