Arbejde Project Manager with transition and transformation experience unspecified NNIT A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4902342
documentId: 4902342
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541594172453
Project Manager with transition and transformation experience
NNIT is moving forward in the continuous expansion of our customer portfolio as a company and we have recently established a dedicated unit to focus on the discipline of on-boarding new application outsourcing customers.
We are specifically looking for experienced and skilled Project and Program Managers who are capable of engaging, managing and taking leadership of implementing new customers within the application area into NNIT, based on the defined delivery scope and the supporting service integrations.
Your responsibilities as a Project or Program Manager
As a Project or Program Manager with focus on on-boarding and implementing new customers into NNIT you will function and operate in both medium and large teams, depending on the size and scope of the engagements. Your role will be diverse, so you must be able to adapt to the scale of the task ahead.
Depending on your previous experience you will either take full Project Management responsibility of the transition and transformation with a team of Solutions Architects and specialists, or take lead of a number of fellow Project Managers with their own track responsibilities, while acting as the single point of contact for a larger scope of the complete deal delivery.
Due to the substantial synergies obtainable when combining subsequent implementation with early engagement on new outsourcing deals you will also actively participate in and contribute to the tender and bid phase as a Project Management representative. This involves responding to specific requirements in the outsourcing request, by writing, developing and describing the suggested approach based on market conform best practices and NNIT processes and methodologies.
You solve problems and drive change with a positive effect on the customer experience, and you navigate smoothly in technical domains, while remaining focused on the common goal and delivery capability.
You will join our Project Management team
We emphasize team work and an open and honest communication approach. You will work with a lot of talented and dedicated colleagues, and we will offer you challenging tasks in an informal atmosphere.
We support you in your career development ambitions and you will receive ongoing offers on competency development fitted to our joint goals and ambitions.
Your qualifications and experience
Most likely you have a higher education, as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree, and a number of years with experience in either participating in or leading transitions and transformations.
You excel in the project management area and have over the years built a sound and strong personal capability working with transition and transformation deliveries, and having done so in connection with implementing new customers is a positive.
A large part of the responsibilities will also include the participation in the sales phase, so having tender experience when potential new customers request offers on new outsourcing deals is an absolute plus.
Working independently, structured and navigating in complex deliveries and major scopes comes naturally. You are used to taking ownership with a large positive drive while securing project results through personal leadership in close cooperation with other peers and project members.
As a person you possess the necessary empathy that gets your teams to perform their utmost and at the same time you are capable of cutting through in challenging situations.
Your experience and communication skills enable you to handle senior management stakeholders and influence central decision makers internally. You may have supplemented your experience with formal certifications, such as Prince2, PMP or similar.
Please apply as soon as possible as we are interviewing candidates continuously.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NNIT A/S
source: DK-STAR
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