Arbejde Project Manager for the offshore industry – Aarhus - 126543 Midtjylland JOHNSON CONTROLS DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud
Project Manager for the offshore industry – Aarhus - 126543
Johnson Controls, GlobalMarine & Navy is a division of Johnson Controls with more than 300employees worldwide. We develop, produce and market complete HVAC/R andcontrols systems for Marine, Offshore and Navy applications, and are among theworld’s leading suppliers in this field. To strengthen our engineeringcapabilities in handling HVAC and refrigeration solutions for our customers, weare looking for an experienced project manager to lead the overall projectmanagement and execution of Johnson Controls projects mainly in the OffshoreSegment. As our new project manager,you will be responsible for leading and implementing projects, followingconsistent and repeatable project management procedures and processes. You musttake ownership of the project from contract has been drafted and until sign offand handover to a happy customer. You understand the importance of deliveringfinancial reporting as well as projects on time and on budget. Further to that,you ensure that all work and materials will comply with Johnson Controlsstandards as well as all legal requirements. In the role as projectmanager, you will be reporting to the Operations Manager of Marine Offshore andplace of work will be Aarhus, Denmark. Qualifications •An engineering degree onminimum B.Sc. level •Five to ten years ofdocumented experience with Project Management •It is a great advantage ifyou have knowledge of HVAC & R, but not a requirement •A strong drive for results •Ability to developprocesses and work in a fast moving and changing environment •Excellent verbal and written communication and a thorough and rigorous approach to problem solving •Ability to focus on details– without loosing the overview •Ability to deliver in a multicultural/lingual environment and used to work in matrix organizations •High focus on safety and quality •Open to travel 30-50 days per year •Fluent in written and spoken English As a person, you arecollaborative, convincing and credible to customers, partners andcolleagues. We offer you an interesting position in a globalenvironment – where we win with customers and appreciate an entrepreneurialapproach. JohnsonControls is committed to equal employment opportunity, diversity and inclusionin the workspace. Further information If you have any questions,you are welcome to contact the Operations Manager of Marine Offshore Søren B. Tolstrup,phone: +45 2114 5311 Please also visit If you find the position interesting, please submit your application and CV in English, as soon as possible by our homepage, as we handle applications continuously.
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87367000
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde vedrørende bygninger og anlæg
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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