Arbejde Project Engineer Nordjylland AALBORG CSP A/S - jobtilbud
Do you want to make a GREEN difference as project engineer? Aalborg CSP provides you with the opportunity to work with the renewable energy technology, concentrated solar power (CSP). A technology characterised by high efficiency, innovation and exciting technical challenges in e.g. design, energy storage and optimisation. Aalborg CSP is an independent technology developer and supplier globally known for our high quality design of boiler systems and technologies for solar-thermal plants. At the moment, we are expanding our business areas and are therefore looking for highly skilled and experienced project engineers with a strong technical background to work on energy projects using the latest CSP technologies. You will work with energy projects based on innovative technologies Having 3 to 5 years of experience within design, installation and/or operation of boiler systems and a technical education as engineer would make you the ideal candidate for a position as project engineer at Aalborg CSP. As project engineer you will work on both R&D and commercial projects as well as internal optimization of our products. It is important that you have a positive mindset and is a team player with good collaboration and communication skills. As project engineer your tasks could be to: Design solar boilers and make plant configurations Make specification of components including technical negotiation with suppliers Design P&ID, operation philosophies and specification of control system Prepare O&M manuals as well as other documentation Travel to customers, suppliers and project sites when needed, which would require approximately 10 to 30 travel days a year In order to fulfill the above-mentioned tasks, you will need to have a good theoretical and practical knowledge and preferably be user of Autocad, Autoplant 3D - PID, Inventor and possibly Bently. Working at Aalborg CSP At Aalborg CSP not two days are alike and you will be provided with challenges that will make you grow both professionally and personally. As project engineer you will: Have an ongoing close dialogue with both the project managers and the project director Be a part of a dynamic and inspiring environment with high technical challenges Support green energy projects around the world applying the latest advanced technologies Work in a casual atmosphere with flexible working hours and helpful colleagues The job is located in Aalborg CSP's headquarters in Aalborg, Denmark. It is an international office where English is the official working language. We are looking forward to receiving your job application, and if you feel like finding out more about the job, please contact HR manager Peter Kvist on mail job (at)
Arbejdsgiver Navn: AALBORG CSP A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 88168836
land: Danmark
region: Nordjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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