Arbejde Professor (with special responsibilities) in Offshore Wind Energy Meteorology unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud

id: NDk5MDAzMCA3

reference: 4990030

documentId: 4990030

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1557923420063

Professor (with special responsibilities) in Offshore Wind Energy Meteorology


DTU Wind Energy at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a position as Professor (with special responsibilities) in Offshore Wind Energy with focus on offshore wind energy meteorology.

DTU Wind Energy is a department with the overall mission of contributing to research, development, and education within the following programme areas: siting and integration, wind turbine technology, materials and structures and offshore wind energy. DTU Wind Energy develops and creates value from the natural and technical sciences with a focus on wind energy for the benefit of society. The department is an internationally leading centre in wind energy and cooperates with industry and institutions worldwide.

The research area for the professor will be an important element in the cross-sectional research and innovation programmes on siting and integration and offshore wind energy.

Responsibilities and tasks

The position covers research and education, as well as innovation in offshore wind energy meteorology. The research field includes
  • Offshore wind climate analysis with met-ocean data
  • Marine boundary-layer meteorology and air-sea interaction for wind energy
  • Wind resource assessment with global perspectives based on combination of modelling and data sources
  • Atmospheric measurements and data analysis, including satellite and lidar remote sensing
  • Flow and wakes both within and between offshore wind farms (cluster effects)
  • Meteorology and system integration of tools for offshore wind farm planning and design
  • Meteorology conditions in relation to blade performance degradation.

The professor is expected to participate in teaching at the BSc, MSc, and PhD levels. For international candidates, DTU can provide Danish language courses enabling the candidates to teach in Danish within 2-3 years.

In addition, the candidate is expected to
  • Strengthen the collaboration between the department's sections and with other departments at DTU
  • Extend the international collaboration through collaborative projects
  • Attract funding to the research in offshore wind energy meteorology
  • Publish and coordinate dissemination at an international scientific level


Candidates should have a well-documented international recognition within offshore wind meteorology, including a high level of original scientific production at international level, with the potential to contribute to further development of the scientific field. Emphasis will be on the ability to combine a high research level and publication activity with promotion of external cooperation and exploitation of the research results.

Furthermore, the applicant should document ability and experience to initiate, manage and perform theoretical, computational and experimental research within offshore wind energy meteorology including developing and maintaining international research and innovation network.

The applicant should have a solid track record of acquiring national and international external funding and management of national and international research projects.

Finally, the applicant should have documented supervision and teaching skills at all university levels and for continued education.


In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:
  • Documented experience and quality of teaching and curriculum development
  • Research impact and experience, funding track record, and research vision
  • Societal impact
  • Documented innovation activities, including commercialization and collaboration with industry
  • International impact and experience
  • Leadership and collaboration
  • Communication skills

For the specific position consideration will also be given to:
  • The candidate's qualifications and experience in offshore wind meteorology and functions associated with the position
  • Proven success in managing research teams and other groups of employees
  • Experience with project management
  • Candidates with initiative and a motivating energy
  • The ability to work in an environment with many nationalities and professional areas

Salary and appointment terms

The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

The position is available for a 5-year period and may be extended for up to 3 additional years. At the end of the period, the employee in question will transfer to a position as associate professor at the university. More information can be found here: Career paths at DTU.

Further information

Further information may be obtained from Head of Department Peter Hauge Madsen, +45 4677 5001.

You can read more about DTU Wind Energy on

Application procedure: Please submit your online application no later than 5 June 2019.

Applications must be submitted as one pdf file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link 'Apply online', fill in the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one pdf file. The file must include:
  • Application (cover letter) addressed to the President
  • CV
  • A vision for future research
  • Teaching and research statement, with a focus on the 'Assessment' bullet points listed above
  • Documentation of previous teaching and research, as related to the 'Assessment' bullet points listed above
  • List of publications indicating scientific highlights
  • H-index, and ORCID (see e.g.
  • Diploma (MSc/PhD)

Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

DTU Wind Energy has more than 240 staff members, including 150 academic staff members and approximately 50 PhD students. DTU Wind Energy has a considerable degree of innovation and cooperation with companies and sector associations within the wind industry in Denmark and abroad. The research is conducted within the three main topics wind energy systems, wind turbine technology, and basics for wind energy. DTU Wind Energy is one of the largest and most prominent research institutions within wind energy.

DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation, and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

source: DK-STAR


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