Arbejde Product Marketing Manager unspecified Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMDA2MSA3

reference: 4910061

documentId: 4910061

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543232767903

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Marketing Manager


About Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

With a worldwide installed capacity of 75 GW, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has a presence in more than 90 countries and a team of 25,000 employees worldwide. Its end-to-end value chain presence encompasses onshore and offshores wind turbines design, manufacturing, installation as well as cutting-edge service solutions. The global headquarters and legal domicile of the company is located in Zamudio, Spain. The company are listed on the Spanish stock exchange.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Job ID: 13162
Location: Brande
Organization: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in Denmark
Mode of employment: Full Time

About the position:

If you are a creative and methodic, then join and help us to grow our service business worldwide.

Thanks to its backlog, contribution margins and innovations, Service is a key pillar of the company success. We need a product manager in Marketing corporate organization to support globally our product development and sales teams.

Being responsible for the entire portfolio of the service business unit globally, you will elaborate and deliver marketing plans, products' launch and repositioning, being a key stakeholder of the product development & commercialization process.

You will be the bridge between the product development team and sales teams, taking the full ownership on product marketing documents creation to support the selling process, e.g. product trainings and sales presentations.

Endorsing a corporate function, you will have to coordinate actions across the five regions, managing indirectly internal stakeholders. You should expect approximately 15 travelling days per year, mainly to Pamplona (Spain).

The position is based in Marketing and you will report directly to the Head of Marketing. Marketing is a corporate function within Product Line Sales & Marketing. You will join a team of highly dedicated individuals working in Pamplona and in Brande. As a team, Marketing is responsible for customer satisfaction, voice of customer, sales marketing and marketing communication activities.

What are my responsibilities?

  • Maintain the overall architecture of the service product portfolio.
  • Partner on the product development process and product life cycle management of the service portfolio.
  • Develop product marketing plans for all new products under development.
  • Elaborate strong value propositions and communicate these to the global sales team.
  • Develop product marketing documents to support the selling process, e.g. product trainings and sales presentations.
  • Planning and execution of product launches.
  • General product marketing support for global sales force.
  • Cooperation with Corporate Communication on external / internal campaigns and PR.

What do I need to qualify for this job?

  • Master's degree in Marketing or Business Administration.
  • In-depth understanding of both the technical and commercial aspects of product development and product management.
  • Documented experience in the fields of technical product marketing, technical sales or similar. Preferably also experience in developing sales trainings, external product marketing material, and managing external communication agencies.
  • Profound knowledge of the wind industry.
  • Proven capability to moderate and find solutions between different parties and interests in a cross-functional and multicultural environment.
  • Strong communicator both orally and in writing.
  • Excellent English skills.

Other information

For further information regarding the recruitment process, please send the recruiting team an email via (at) Please mention the Job ID in the email.

We kindly draw your attention to the fact that this email may NOT be used for sending applications or CVs for evaluation.

Deadline for application: as soon as possible

You may also apply through the following link:

If you want to know more:

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S

source: DK-STAR


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