Arbejde PRODUCT MANAGER – WATER SOLUTIONS unspecified KAMSTRUP A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1MjA4OSA3

reference: 4952089

documentId: 4952089

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551359540163



Can you link the challenges of the water industry with the technologies of tomorrow? Do you want to develop the intelligent water distribution networks of the future that shall maintain Kamstrup’s leading position in the market? Do you thrive in an international environment where you are in close contact with customers from all over the world and all stages of Kamstrup’s value chain? 

Become a part of Kamstrup’s Water Solutions team 
You will become a part of an exciting and challenging environment in our Water Solutions team that consists of experienced and dedicated colleagues with backgrounds as technical and commercial engineers. In the team, we are creating solutions that can turn large amounts of real time data from the distribution network into useful knowledge and information. We work with state-of-the-art, cutting edge communication technologies and advanced software solutions that enable us to turn data into knowledge and basis of decisions. 

The everyday life in the team is characterized by great commitment, a good mood and a high pace of work in an informal and international work environment. 

Product Manager with responsibility for solutions development
As Product Manager, you will, in cooperation with the sales organization, intensify the segmentation and Value Proposition in our core markets. You will assist in defining the position in our customers’ value chain and take part in developing the intelligent water distribution solutions of the future in order to secure Kamstrup’s leading global position in the market. 

In cooperation with colleagues from Sales and Marketing, you will be responsible for new product launchings. Furthermore, you will participate in the global sale of our water solutions in cooperation with local sales teams and relevant partners. 

Moreover, you will have the following areas of responsibility: 

• Front runner on innovation projects, including generation of new ideas and execution 
• Work on segmentation and value propositions
• Development of new service offerings for new and existing products 
• Representative of the customer in the Product Management team
• Development and implementation of product presentations, whitepapers, basic specification, etc. 
• Education of the sales team regarding sales of solutions and the latest development in the industry 
• Pre-sale support and customer visits
• Bid Management (proposal) Support

In the job, you can expect approximately 50 travel days per year. 

Personality matters
We are looking for a skilled technical and commercial minded person with a great personal drive. You are persistent and energic as well as you are able to make an impact across the organization. Towards customers (existing as well as future), you have a great power of penetration, you understand that it is important to ask questions, listen and turn this knowledge into positioning Kamstrup’s solutions. 

You have a background as an engineer or another long, technical education. At the same time, you have minimum 5 years of experience from a similar position and preferably experience within water distribution. 

You are practical and good at thinking in solutions as well as understanding how intelligent solutions can create value in different parts of the customers’ value chains. In addition, you seek new opportunities and can challenge the way things are handled today. You understand how advanced IT solutions are created and implemented as well as how effective data processing is analyzed and used in order to refine data as valuable information for our customers. 

As a person, you are outgoing and a good communicator, who are able to communicate with different target groups through product training, presentations, whitepapers, conferences, offerings, etc. You understand that good cooperation is important, and you can cooperate with various functions at Kamstrup and in an international environment. 

It is a requirement that you speak and write English fluently. German is an advantage.

We offer more than just a job
We offer a key role in developing intelligent water distribution of the future. You will be influencing the strategic direction of Kamstrup and be part of the core team in implementing strategic initiatives. Moreover, we care about developing your competences through courses and training. 

We offer you flexible working hours and a wide range of employee benefits, including a great canteen, free fruit, a fitness center, in-house dentist, in-house hairdresser and a free health care clinic. Besides these benefits, we have an active employee association. 

Do you want to be a part of Kamstrup? 

Please submit your application online. Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis, but you can expect a response within 6 weeks.

 If you have any questions about the position, please contact Head of Product Management - Water Solutions, Kristian Rokkjær on phone: +45 89 93 10 00.

About Kamstrup
Kamstrup develops and manufactures innovative solutions for measuring energy and water consumption. Kamstrup is the world's leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative equipment for the district heating sector and is one of the leading European suppliers of smart meters and other equipment for the electricity sector.
Kamstrup has over 1300 employees in more than 20 countries with headquarters in Denmark. Kamstrup has a healthy economy, high growth rates and a strong focus on development of technology and staff.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: KAMSTRUP A/S

source: DK-STAR


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