Arbejde Product Manager unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4878562
documentId: 4878562
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536907164103
stillingsbetegnelse: Product Manager
Job Description
Does it motivate you to be in a position where you can use your technical skills and commercial flair? And would it appeal to you to be in the driver’s seat securing mid- and long-term planning of the portfolio development? Then perhaps you are the Product Manager we are looking for in the Danfoss Heating Segment to assist us in our journey towards an even more professional product management discipline.
You will be joining FEC-H (Floor Heating and Electronic Room Controls - Hydronic) Market Development department responsible for driving global Danfoss business and portfolio planning for 4 distinct product groups – hydronic underfloor heating, heat pumps, HRV and room controls.
Close and challenging work with products as well as customers
As a Product Manager you will have dual role handling both our newly transferred heat pump portfolio and managing part of the underfloor heating portfolio. The main tasks will be:
- Day to day handling of the product related inquiries from the market/customers as well as troubleshooting.
- Mid- and long term planning of the portfolio development - including phasing-in and phasing-out products
- Carrying out training for Danfoss colleagues and customers
- Maintaining product master data
- Giving professional input to R&D in connection with new development projects and product line representative during the stage gate process
- Monitoring product development activities of competitors
Solid product management experience and the ability to spot product trends
You have a relevant business background or education and a solid product management experience. Ideally you have been working with similar technology and shown an understanding of underfloor heating technology. Maybe you previously worked as an installer?
You have a natural strong customer/market focus and a high service mindset. You are structured, proactive and your personality and good communication skills allow you to efficiently communicate across all levels of the organization. You are a team player showing well-developed cooperation competences and the will to walk “the extra mile”.
For further information about the position,
please contact Head of Market Development Kostas Kazbaras on +45 26109537
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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