Arbejde Product Manager, Mobile Apps unspecified GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyODAxNyA3

reference: 4928017

documentId: 4928017

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547032163173

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Manager, Mobile Apps


Can you take user-centered solutions from early concept to final product? And do you want to pioneer new ways of working with agile software development within the hearing aid industry? 

As our new product manager, you will contribute to creating solutions that allow our end users to once again feel part of the conversation. You will be part of driving our mobile app platforms and be commercially responsible for taking new app solutions through the development process. 

Transforming life through the power of sound

You will join Product Management Software in the Concepting & Product Management team where we are commercially responsible for the product solutions, hearing aids, accessories and software for our ReSound, Beltone and Interton brands. With our hearing aid solutions, we aim to make people feel included, and our goal is to help people hear more, do more and be more than they thought possible.

Turn ideas into final solutions
Apps play a key part in enabling great user experiences and we need you to help us take ideas from the early development stages and all the way through to launch. 

You will take a product manager role in our SAFe structure, joining our agile transformation to deliver true value for our customers. Collaborating closely with colleagues across the organization – including R&D, UX, Sales and Marketing – you refine ideas and transform these into valuable solutions.

A key part of your role will be to develop and communicate value propositions to ensure that we supply the organization with knowledge of not just what the product does but also what value it offers our users.

Making sure that we stay true to our overall portfolio strategy, you will: 
• Be a strong driver of mobile app solutions in a diverse and demanding stakeholder environment
• Define the scope for new product development within mobile apps 
• Ensure deliverables as part of the product development process – including ensuring regulatory compliance
• Convert app solutions into marketing communication in close collaboration with our brand teams 
• Participate in user and market field tests to secure user-centric solutions 
• Secure strong training materials in collaboration with our Global Training team

Great communicator with agile product management experience 
To thrive in this position, you need excellent communication and presentation skills. Your ability to combine technical and commercial perspectives allows you to convey not just technical specifications but the added value of any new solution. You have the necessary experience to navigate in an international organization with stakeholders at all levels – and you know how to successfully get your point across. 

Moreover, you bring: 
• 5+ years of product management or similar experience – preferably from a larger organization with multiple stakeholders 
• A commercial or technical degree at bachelor’s or master’s level
• Experience with agile software development (preferably SAFe) 
• A passion for delivering true user value 
• A strong understanding of UX principles and mobile application software
• Great communication and presentation skills, and you speak and write English fluently – Danish is a plus but not a prerequisite

A shared passion for making a difference
As our product manager for mobile apps, you will work with a large cross-functional interface primarily located in Ballerup, Denmark, and Glenview, US, and you can expect about 20 days of travel a year in connection with external and internal meetings and conferences. 
Product Management Software is a part of the Global Product Management department within Global Marketing, and our team currently counts 6 talented colleagues who enjoy an informal and relaxed working environment.

Would you like to know more?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than 31 January 2019. Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, so we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.

If you want to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Manager, Product Management Software, Camilla Just Holm, on +45 23 29 77 60. 

GN Hearing
People with hearing loss are at the heart of everything we do. ReSound hearing aids help people feel more involved, connected and in control. In an ever-smarter world, we relentlessly work to transform lives through the power of sound. 

For the purpose of processing your job application, GN will process your personal data. We encourage you not to provide us with sensitive information about yourself. Your application will be transferred to the local GN office posting this job. For information about how GN processes your personal data, please read our a » privacy policy

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S

source: DK-STAR


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