Arbejde Product Development and Simulations Specialist unspecified Lyras ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg5OTc2OSA3

reference: 4899769

documentId: 4899769

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541485881943

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Development and Simulations Specialist



Are you interested in green alternatives? Do you want to create a sustainable future for coming generations by reducing global fossil fuel consumption by more than 40 million barrels of oil a year? Are you skilled in product development and simulation? Then working with Lyras’ cold pasteurization technology might become your next passion.

About Lyras

At Lyras, we are passionate about energy efficient solutions, within the food processing industry. The team behind Lyras has spent years developing our cold pasteurization technology, which we believe will revolutionize liquid food processing, by replacing the more than 150-year-old heat pasteurization process. Our patented technology uses UV light rather than heat to treat liquid foods, thereby decreasing the energy consumptionby more than 90%. This is achieved while decreasing process complexity, increasing bacterial and spore kill-rate and shelf life, while preserving the nutritional value of vitamins and proteins to a greater extent.

These advantages can reform the dairy industry and make pasteurization of liquid foods cheaper, gentler and greener. Cold pasteurization decreases food waste, creates better and more sustainable products, uses less energy and reduces CO2 emission. To further this process, we need people who have a strong drive for change, are able to think outside the box and take initiative, while being comfortable with a large degree of independence.

At Lyras, we value innovation, collaboration and accountability. We introduce pioneering change to an old industry, by creating innovative solutions. Therefore, you need to be passionate about what you do and willing to make a difference for the planet, the organization and the team. We want people who are eager to try new things, who are not afraid to make mistakes and work hard to succeed.

Our Team Is Looking for an Experienced Problem Solver

You will be part of a strong team located in Aalborg with expertise within many different fields. Everyday, our team works toward a common goal of making our solution the most appealing on the market. We are driven by the belief that we can make a difference for coming generations, but to achieve this goal we need you!

The ideal candidate should be able to work independently by planning and executing your projects, while working in close connection with colleagues from other fields of expertise. You should be capable of determining deficiencies, while working with a research-based approach, to develop solutions and assist with implementation. You are curious, structured, independent, find challenges interesting and think outside the box.

Job abstractJV_description

We do not expect you to have experience within all the fields described below. However, curiosity is a must, then we will provide the opportunity to broaden your expertise.

Main Responsibilities

  • Create specifications and technical drawings such as CAD Drawings, engineering validation tests and CFD-simulations
  • Develop and perform tests of design improvements and product iterations
  • Assist the team with technical knowledge, specifications and customization options
  • Develop the necessary material and documentation for product certification
  • Assist in installation and testing of our systems on site


  • You have experience with product development within the food processing industry, preferably dairy or other liquid foods
  • You are highly skilled at sparring and knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Your English language skills are proficient, both written and spoken. Danish skills are also preferred
  • You have relevant experience from previous projects regarding testing and product verification
  • You are experienced with CFD-simulation and preferably CAD-Drawings

What Lyras Can Provide for You

  • A pleasant work environment with enthusiastic colleagues and the freedom to plan your work week.
  • An innovative environment with room for new ideas, successes and growth.
  • The opportunity to develop your skills through courses, trade fairs and seminars.
  • Challenging and exciting tasks and a high degree of autonomy to achieve them.
  • A flat company structure that will ensure quick decision making.
  • The possibility to advance within the company.
  • Work that adds value and makes a difference.


To find more information about the company, the position and how to apply, please follow the link below:

Or go to our website ;;

We look forward to hearing from you.



numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Lyras ApS

source: DK-STAR


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