Arbejde Process Engineer with a passion for robotics and automation unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4877487
documentId: 4877487
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536738866993
Process Engineer with a passion for robotics and automation
Are you passionate about process design, Robotics and automation? Now is your chance to take on a life-changing career in a new position as Process Engineer in Oral Analytical Development and implement robots and automation in our facilities.
As part of Novo Nordisk’s R&D family, Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) Development makes a real difference for patients with chronic diseases across the world. We develop, manufacture and distribute drug candidates for non-clinical and clinical trials and represent a strong culture with a “can do” mind-set.
This is an exciting time to join the Oral Analytical Development area as we are expanding and investing in the newest technologies. You can look forward to becoming a key person in the team regarding robotics and automation.
About the department
Oral Analytical Development is responsible for developing Analytical methods and data for tablet development and batch release. We are also responsible for solid state characterisation including particle characterisation.
In the future, we are foreseeing exceptionally interesting assignments as we are working on developing the oral diabetes products to go to market in the future. What we do is really innovative and important and in Novo Nordisk “all eyes are on us”.
Oral Drug Product Analytical Development is a team of +35 highly skilled and dedicated employees, Specialists, Analytical Scientists and Laboratory Technicians. Together we represent many years of scientific experience enabling us to innovate and solve exciting and challenging tasks.
The position
As Process Engineer, we expect you to constantly look for opportunities to optimise performance and efficiency of our processes in the laboratory environment and to identify where automation and software robots can be relevant.
You will then design and map process steps reflecting the optimal process and you then convert process requirements into relevant automation requirements. In particular, you will work closely with specialists and professionals in the area and you are the interface between Novo Nordisk and external suppliers when developing systems and standards for applying robotics and automated solutions.
This role is newly established and represents a great opportunity to make a visible difference and define which technologies we will use in the future. To succeed, you will therefore need to stay at the cutting edge of intelligent automation technologies and robot applications, and to engage in sharing and applying best practices across Novo Nordisk.
You have a Bachelor or Master degree in Mechanical, Robotics, industrial or electrical engineering. Ideally you have gained some experience as an Automation Engineer/Control systems engineer and have experience with systems-based approach to process issues and improvements. Experience in support of applications within FDA regulated GXP environments, knowledge of Controls systems and instrumentation would be beneficial. It is likewise an advantage if you have experience of basic network concepts. However we welcome applications from newly graduated candidates with a strong interest for process design and for automation and robotics.
On a personal level, you see yourself as curious and eager to learn, and you enjoy building new solutions for your customers. You like working independently and taking the initiative for driving tasks and projects in a dynamic and busy work environment. Additionally, you are outgoing, structured and have a strong personal drive to get the job done on time without compromising the quality in your deliverables. Lastly, you are keen to communicate complex content to people with different backgrounds and skills, motivating them to hear and follow your ideas and suggestions.
Working at Novo Nordisk
At Novo Nordisk we use our skills, dedication and ambition to help people with diabetes and change their lives. By working with us you will have the opportunity to do the same in a global business environment. We offer great career opportunities based on your personal skills and journey of development. We divide them into three tracks: Specialist, Project Manager or Manager.
For further information, please contact Andreas Møller Stehr at +45 3079 4532.
19 September 2018.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S
source: DK-STAR
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