Arbejde Post Fixture Operation Specialist unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk2ODM5MCA3

reference: 4968390

documentId: 4968390

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1554208266826

stillingsbetegnelse: Post Fixture Operation Specialist


• Do you have experience with data driven decision making?
• Do you have excellent stakeholder management skills?
• Would you like to be part of an exciting team?

Then this unique opportunity may be the right one for you!

We offer

We offer an exciting and attractive career in an ambitious and competitive environment with the possibility of continuous professional and personal development.

The environment is dynamic with focus on high performance, results, and respect for our employees.

Key responsibilities

The Post-Fixture Operation Specialist:

• Will be responsible for operational related matters linked to our sales, purchasing and recycling of assets within Maersk Liner business.

• Ensures that operational related matters are attended professionally and efficiently in line with contractual agreements and internal procedures.

• Has accountability for cross-functional project coordination and development between Chartering and Post fixture.

• Has accountability for anti-corruption program for all Maersk’s time charter vessels.

Key tasks:

• Handling of operational matters, incidents and difficulties arising in connection with the sales, purchasing and recycling process.

• Handling and assistance with legal issues and actions where needed.

• Handling and assistance with compensation, claims and other financial matters.

• Update of vessel detail in our systems.

• Acting as internal and external entry point for operational issues arising in connection with the sales, purchasing and recycling process.

• Identification of and contribution to process improvement.

• Briefing the organisation at all times on operational matters as appropriate.

• Accountability for ensuring that best practices are embedded in project maturation process.

We are looking for

The daily follow-up with Owners and 3rd part vendors associated with above tasks will in many cases require operational qualifications to ensure we question Owners professionally and eventually obtain the root cause.

You have operational experience and preferably experience with contracts, ship documentation and certificates.

You show strong attention to details and have a structed and professional follow-up approach to ensure correct and timely delivery within deadlines.

You are able to quickly establish a network and prove yourself as trustworthy and respected throughout the organization and you are able to work with multiple stakeholders and cultures, and interact with people of all functions and at all levels.

You are a resilient team player who is goal-orientated and demonstrates a high level of commitment and drive in an international environment. You want to challenge and develop yourself.

The right candidate is self-driven and motivated and able to influence without formal authority and you have a high level of self-confidence based on solid preparation and investigation.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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