Arbejde Platform Manager - D3 Platform (186856) Midtjylland Siemens A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Platform Manager - D3 Platform (186856)

For our Technology and Innovation department in Service Wind Power we are looking for a talented and experienced Platform Manager. The department is responsible for the entire product lifecycle management from a service perspective. This means developing service concepts, tools and processes for the service-ability of the various turbine platforms in Siemens Wind Powers portfolio. What are my responsibilities? The main role of our new platform manager is to take ownership of the D3 platform, covering our 3.0 MW Direct Drive turbines – from requirement identification, design review/input and testing to final documentation and implementation. During the process you will be supported by highly skilled colleagues who will help ensuring a successful implementation of the projects. Specifically your tasks will be: Define the Service strategy for the next 3-5 years. Act as owner of Service deliverables in new turbine developments (the Product Development Process). Approve new sites according to the T-LoA (Technical Limits of Authorization) process in Siemens. Drive strategic projects for the onshore market in relation to the newly defined strategy. Participate in collaborations and meetings with internal and external customers and collaborators. What do I need to qualify for this job? You have an educational background in engineering or economics with at least 3-5 years of experience as a project and/or product manager. You are familiar with Product Development Processes and are used to working with profit and loss analyses. It is of the highest importance that you posses a holistic mindset and that you are able to see the entire value chain in the company and understand how the individual projects are best scoped and implemented. As a person you are proactive and action oriented. You are able to multitask and to ensure that chosen solutions are innovative. At the same time you are strong in stakeholder management, very communicative and posses an ability to create beneficial relations. Lastly, you are able to interact with people at all organizational levels. In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated. What else do I need to know? Siemens Wind Power is a leading supplier of wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and coastal sites. Denmark is a core part of Siemens’ global wind power activities, housing global wind power R&D and engineering activities along with several supply chain management, sales and project management functions. Currently, approximately 6,000 employees out of a global staff of more than 11,500 work with wind power solutions in Denmark. We continuously strive to strengthen our position, and we are therefore looking for bright minds eager to join a dynamic, international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees. Apply online in English for the job. Please note that we will reply by email. We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of your ability, as we will use the data to review your suitability for the role.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99 42 22 22

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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