Arbejde Pipe System Design Engineers unspecified NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO DENMARK I/S - jobtilbud


id: NDkyMDU2OCA3

reference: 4920568

documentId: 4920568

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545223867916

stillingsbetegnelse: Pipe System Design Engineers




Pipe System Design Engineer


Do you want to play an important role in the development of challenging offshore projects?


National Oilwell Varco Subsea Production Systems (NOV SPS) designs and manufactures flexible pipes and bespoken, innovative products for the offshore oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, we leverage superior engineering and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology to establish long-term partnerships with global contractors and oil companies.


You will join our Pipe System Design department, where you will focus on the flexible pipe systems that are used primarily to transport oil, gas and water along the seabed and up to the connecting surface vessel. You will be based in Brøndby.


Two main disciplines

As a Pipe System Design Engineer, your role in a project team is typically focused on one of our two main disciplines, pipe design and system design, or a combination of both.


In pipe design, we focus on the design of the flexible pipe structural layers based on temperature, pressure, water depth, external loads and type of fluid inside the pipe. You will be responsible for optimizing the cross-sectional design of the pipe using in-house and commercial simulation software modelling mechanical, chemical and thermal load scenarios. You will be a vital part of the project from the initial design phase through manufacturing and final testing.


In system design, we focus on the design of the flexible pipe systems and analyzing the dynamic responses using computer simulations to describe the physics of the system. You will be responsible for optimizing the system performance by analyzing different system layouts and include all relevant inputs describing an offshore environment such as wave heights, currents, vessel motion, seabed interaction, temperature and, of course, the properties of the system’s main feature, the flexible pipe.


Your main tasks:


  • Design of flexible pipe structures
  • Detailed analysis and simulation
  • Analyze performance for relevant scenarios 
  • Specify design and materials for production
  • Integrate inputs into a dynamic FEA model
  • Carry out simulations of the pipe system
  • Optimize system layout and components
  • Determine system interface responses
  • Document your work in reports
  • Communicate progress and results of analyses to Client and other relevant stakeholders
  • Share knowledge with colleagues
  • Participate in the development of the Pipe System Design department





Your skills and experience

  • You hold a B.SC or M.SC degree in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics or similar
  • You have experience with solid mechanics, material science or thermodynamics, structural dynamics, fluid dynamics and/or numerical simulations 
  • Preferably you have a few years of experience from subsea engineering, oil & gas, wind power or offshore constructions
  • You can demonstrate great results from your career or study so far
  • You speak and write English fluently


Analytical team player

You are a team player with a strong focus on deliverables and you understand how to apply technical information in cooperation with other engineering disciplines. You are a hard worker with a strong commitment to task and team, and when necessary you can adapt and find alternative solutions. We also expect you to be analytical and structured since you will be working with large amounts of data. Finally, it is important that you understand how to apply technical information in cooperation with other engineering disciplines.


We offer

An inspiring place to work with great opportunities to develop your skills and the opportunity to work with the brightest minds among flexible pipe manufacturers. You will become part of a professional offshore culture where we work together in teams with other dedicated professionals to achieve common goals.


If you want to know more about the position, please contact Engineering Managers Simon Jarlgaard (+45 4191 4721) or Bogi Laksáfoss (+45 2963 3869). Please forward your application and CV as soon as possible since we will be conducting interviews continuously until March 1st 2019.


We are truly a global family with 1300 dedicated employees in Denmark, Brazil, Ghana, Malaysia, Norway, Scotland, and the United States, and we offer the opportunity of a lifetime for anyone interested in working in an international environment to help power the industry that powers the world.


Job: Engineering

Schedule: Full-time

Shift: Day Job

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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