Arbejde Optimisation Software Developer unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNTU1NCA3

reference: 4905554

documentId: 4905554

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542200774600

stillingsbetegnelse: Optimisation Software Developer


Maersk Line is looking for software developers to develop mathematical optimisation IT tools to support Maersk Line’s business. Maersk Line is bringing mathematical optimisation into our core operations to make better and faster decisions. As an optimisation specialist and software developer you will be part of Maersk Line’s vessel network optimisation team that makes optimisation possible in a complex industry. You will be working together with peers, business specialists, vendors, and academia to develop innovative world class optimisation IT tools for optimising the world’s largest container vessel network.

We offer

The network planning department is responsible for planning Maersk Line’s container vessel network and the flow of containers on it to meet commercial, operational, and environmental objectives. 

We offer a position in the strategy section where we develop IT tools to support, optimise, and automate the planning process for the vessel network and the flow of containers on it. 

We offer a position where we put theory into practice and combine our academic knowledge of mathematical optimisation and software development skills with a business mindset.

You will be working in an international environment in a key function in Maersk Line’s head quarter in Copenhagen where you will be involved in setting the direction for how to outperform competition.

Maersk is a highly international and inspiring environment with an attractive value proposition for its employees. As part of ensuring a successful work-life balance we promote flexible work-hours and the possibility to work from home when convenient. In connection with maternity leave, we pay for 12 weeks leave with full salary for men and 24 weeks leave for women. In addition to salary, our package consists of a pension scheme, health insurance and 6 weeks holiday a year.

Key responsibilities

As optimisation software developer you will be responsible for developing optimisation tools in collaboration with Maersk Line’s business.

You will have opportunity to cooperate with other leading optimisation specialists within Maersk Line as well as external partners at universities and vendors. 

You will be working in a scrum team with other software developers to implement software products based on optimisation with an agile delivery methodology.

You will be working with CI/CD on a modern MS Azure cloud PaaS infrastructure.

You will collect and analyse business requirements, envision solutions, develop and test prototypes and production applications

You will track the realisation of business benefits from improved business decisions. 

You will report to the manager of the optimisation specialist team and will be involved in setting the vision for how to use optimisation software in Maersk Line. 

We are looking for

The ideal candidate has a technical background with a master’s or PhD degree in engineering, mathematics, or computer science with specialization in software development in the field of mathematical optimisation. You have extensive experience with software development especially algorithms and optimisation IT tools, you can document business requirements, formulate these in mathematical models, implement solvers in standard optimisation software packages or customized applications. You have an analytical mindset and knowledge of statistical analysis. You have good communication and interpersonal skills enabling you to work in a team and with external stakeholders. Proficiency in both written and oral English is a must.

You have extensive experience with 
• Operations research theory and practice.
• Graph algorithms, linear programming, and advanced data structures
• Professional IT development with C# and Python.
• Development, debugging and test tools for C# / Python platform. 

The ideal candidate also has experience with some or all of the following:
• Cloud services
• Git and CI/CD
• Docker/ Kubernetes
• Data management in databases, preferably MS SQL Server / Azure SQL. SQL queries, Transact-SQL
• SCRUM practices

As a performance-oriented company, we strive to always recruit the best person for the job - regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high performing teams.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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