Arbejde ONLINE MARKETING SPECIALIST unspecified BIOMAR A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMDk0MyA3

reference: 4910943

documentId: 4910943

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543323665866



BioMar EMEA is looking for an Online Marketing Specialist who will carry BioMar’s online presence to the next level. As a part of a truly international and dynamic team, you will develop and maintain BioMar’s website, work with the development of online communication and marketing campaigns for more than 50 countries served by BioMar’s EMEA Division.

Driving the image of BioMar online, being responsible for all BioMar EMEA websites

In collaboration with colleagues in the marketing department you will be the primary responsible for driving the image of BioMar online. You will initiate and drive activities that develop and improve BioMar’s online presence, which includes to:

  • Drive a successful management of BioMar’s 15+ websites in the EMEA and Emerging Markets Divisions; hereunder tasks such as, daily maintenance, increase in website traffic, development of new functions and activities.
  • Manage other various digital platforms e.g. BioMar Feeding Tool, BioMar’s Online Customer Portal
  • Establish and maintain a successful presence for BioMar EMEA on the social media
  • Implement video marketing as a solid communication channel
    Participate in the development of various types of content creation for the use online and offline use; hereunder write, edit proofread texts as well as record and edit videos.
  • Manage web projects e.g. implementation of new country web sites.
  • Develop new online communication activities e.g. newsletters
  • Assist in handling the local versioning of content and marketing material as well as translation and proofreading processes.

Background within Marketing and international experience

You have preferably a Master’s degree in Marketing, Communications or Journalism. You have 3-5 years’ experience from a similar position in an international company. It is of utmost importance that you have international experience and you have previously worked in a fast paced, cross-cultural environment, a great understanding of cultural differences. You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. You possess the capability forming strong relationships with colleagues and external partners located both locally and remotely and of many different nationalities.  You are able to interface effectively at all levels and functions. Fluency in English and Dansih is a must; proficiency in additional languages (ex: French, Spanish or Swedish) is a major benefit.

You are a tech savvy and up-to-date with online marketing trends. You have solid knowledge of SEO/SEM and experienced in devising digital channels that engage, inform and motivate. You are a natural talent in copywriting, and are capable of creating relevant content, e.g. SoMe posts, videos, blog posts. You are able to strategize and execute the work of transmitting the right message to the right target audience through the right channels. You are experienced in producing, editing video content and highly familiar with various video editing software. If you have the skills for producing animated videos- that is a great advantage. You are also able to brief an external agency for external production projects.

Join an international company, where you will be able to influence your work

You will become a part of a dynamic and very international team working across borders in collaboration with BioMar colleagues in our local business units around the world. You will have great influence on how you organize your daily work. You will enter a company where effort and results above average are rewarded by an appropriate salary and where you will have the possibility to improve your personal competences.

Job Details

  • Expected start date is as soon as possible
  • Position refers to Marketing Manager, EMEA Division
  • Location: Brande, Denmark
  • Travelling activity from 10-20 days per year should be expected

If you fit the profile and want to know more, please contact Burcu Karakaş Basse, Marketing Manager EMEA Division buk (at)

Please apply online. We will be going through applications as they come in and hire, when we find the right candidate. We therefore encourage you to apply as soon as possible, and no later than 10th of December, 2018.

Join the BioMar family

At BioMar, we are committed to developing and delivering efficient, sustainable and healthy feed solutions for aquaculture. Innovation and partnerships is at the very heart of everything we do and we are proud that our highly skilled employees share our long-term commitment.  Currently, we operate 14 feed factories in Norway, Chile, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, China, Costa Rica and Ecuador. Roughly one out of five farmed fish produced in Europe, South and Central America is fed on BioMar fish feed. Worldwide, we supply feed to around 80 countries and for more than 45 different fish species. Moreover, we are wholly owned by the Danish industrial group Schouw & Co, which is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BIOMAR A/S

source: DK-STAR


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