Arbejde .NET developer in Trading Technology for Nordea Research unspecified NORDEA FINANS DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4861411
documentId: 4861411
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1533709747443
.NET developer in Trading Technology for Nordea Research
We are looking for at skilled .Net developer. We provide professional feedback, development services and support to Sales and research analysts as well as editors in Equities. This is a great opportunity to work with new technologies in a team that have exciting projects in the coming years.
As a developer in Sales & research IT, you will be in close dialogue with the users, product owners and other IT teams to develop and improve solutions for creating, reusing and distributing research. Machine learning, robotics, cloud computing. We’re harnessing the power of technology to reinvent the future of banking. A digital revolution is underway – joining us puts you at the heart of it. Are you ready to embark on a learning journey where we lead the way and push the limits in transforming the future of banking?
Your future responsibilities
You’ll join Nordea Research IT. Research IT are providing business with an edge in the research industry by creating innovative products and together we adjust offerings and solutions to fit the customer requests and needs. We have a number of highly interesting projects starting up just now!
- New responsive web production tool for research using core, React.js, SQL Server
- Large upgrade to our Research website, distribution and subscriptions
- Working with quant team building big data solutions
The role is based in Copenhagen, Welcome to a team where you will work with the best analysts in the Nordics and join a team of highly skilled developers stepping up the game in automation and testing. Who you are Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the four key values that guide us in being at our best. We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others.
Your profile and background:
We expect you to have a bachelor or master’s degree in computer science or similar. You have experience with ASP.NET and C# development. You actively search for solutions and are not afraid of asking questions. You love to work in an agile and fast-moving environment and can adapt to change. Good communication skills in both written and spoken English are required. You believe in creating clean code to ease maintainability. You have worked with multiple of the following technologies
- C# and ASP.Net
- React.js, Angular.js or similar JavaScript framework
- HTML/CSS design
- Containerization
- SQL Server/Oracle DBs
- VS2015/2017
- Azure cloud services
- BI tools/data modeling (General knowledge)
If this sounds like you, get in touch! More information Please submit your application no later than 19th of August 2018
For more information about the position, please contact Daniel Kim Hansen, Head of Sales Systems (at) At Nordea, we recruit from the widest possible pool and hire the best person for the job. Because diversity makes us stronger. And once you are on board, you will find that we offer equal opportunities to everyone.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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