Arbejde Mobility Consultant unspecified NNIT A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwODE0NyA3

reference: 4908147

documentId: 4908147

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542785772120

stillingsbetegnelse: Mobility Consultant


Are you equipped with a comprehensive Mobility Toolbox? And do you want to put your individual mark on the international growth of one of Denmark’s leading IT companies?  

If so, you should join us and become our new Mobility Consultant in Human Resources. Here you will be the key interface between the global HR community, our line of business and external stakeholders. Based in NNIT HQ in Copenhagen, you will be able to make your mark on the mobility function and contribute to ensure that our employees are able to move across borders globally in a seamless way.  

Your key tasks as a Mobility Consultant will be to 

  • advise managers and employees on aspects related to working across borders 
  • calculate compensation packages and cost overviews based on type of assignment 
  • prepare contracts and addendums 
  • manage and coordinate individual mobility cases 
  • handle contact to relocation agents, tax advisors and other suppliers 
  • coordination with local HR departments in relation to international assignments and internal transfers 
  • identifying and implement policy and process improvements within the mobility area by large. 

Further, we expect that you continuously monitor the needs of our business and contribute to developing our approach to global mobility.    

Your competences include that you 

  • have experience with supporting global mobility in an international organization 
  • are familiar with principles for calculating compensation packages and cost overviews for international assignments 
  • are knowledgeable about requirements and limitations for international assignments, incl. work permits, tax and social security 
  • thrive in an international environment and are able to create good relationships with your stakeholders internally and externally 
  • speak and write English effortlessly. 

Your theoretical/educational background is not important, but having a solid business understanding and experience with professional and operational support within Mobility are. Ideally, you have a similar role today and have some years of experience working with Mobility in a multinational/global company.   

You thrive in a dynamic and international environment with many different and ongoing tasks, and you adapt easily to new challenges. You are structured, problem-solving and meet agreed deadlines with high quality. You have experience with dedicated HR processes and procedures, and you are able work independently, yet being a solid team player with energy, empathy and humor.   

You will join our HR Support & Mobility team 

You will become part of a Global Integrated Team of currently 13 passionate and motivated colleagues (8 in Denmark and 5 in China), who are dedicated to provide professional and operational HR support to the line of business. We expect you to be a committed and passionate professional who thrives on a high activity level with a lot of different assignments and responsibility.   

The team’s services are in high demand and highly appreciated in the organization, living up to our core values, which are: Open & Honest, Value Adding and Conscience Driven.  

We interview candidates continuously. Therefore we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NNIT A/S

source: DK-STAR


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