Arbejde Mobile Software Developer unspecified TRACKMAN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4865712
documentId: 4865712
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1534494785683
stillingsbetegnelse: Mobile Software Developer
Are you a passionate Mobile Software Developer?
Then take this opportunity to join a great team of dedicated developers
As part of the company's continued expansion we are looking for Mobile Software Developers to play a significant role in development of cutting-edge applications - creating the customer platform for our world-leading golf and baseball radar-technology products. Your focus is development of iOS and .NET software, and you will be deeply involved in our Client and Server solutions, from developing concepts to releasing the final software design. You will work among 20+ high-skilled developers within C# and Xamarin, as well as iOS and Android applications. You will work closely with product owners and the software teams to develop custom solutions and integrate standard solutions with the backend environment. You will support the current mobile landscapes (windows, tablets, mobile phones, cloud) and also play a key role in our future innovative applications.
Are you our new colleague?
You have a proven record of designing and executing mobile app projects with high quality programming and scalable solutions. You have demonstrated your skills within iOS, Android or Xamarin, and you are a great C# programmer. Experience with OOD, Agile Development, Scrum, Unit Testing, Design Patterns and Continuous Integration is a plus. You work independently, and have a willingness to share knowledge and continually develop your skill sets. You probably have an educational background within computer science (or equivalent).
What do we offer you?
TrackMan’s blend of sports,cutting-edge technology and strong growth make it a unique work place. Across multiple sports, TrackMan’s innovate technologies have revolutionized the way athletes train to unleash their potential. Such an achievement is only possible in an environment that fosters innovation. Our culture is entrepreneurial, informal, and non-bureaucratic. Like the components of a human body, all departments are interdependent making it easy to reach out, discuss and share knowledge. Your voice and ideas are heard, and your work will inspire and influence the way performance is measured and presented to the best athletes in the world. Your colleagues are talented, diverse, and inclusive, and you'll get to collaborate with some of the best brains in Denmark in the areas of algorithms, radar technology, computer vision, software development, coding, embedded software, and hardware development. We believe diversity leads to a dynamic workforce, and similar to the athletes we serve, we strive to help our employees grow, perform and feel right at home in the ever-growing TrackMan family.
This is the place to join, if you look for great technologies, great sports, and great colleagues.
So what does TrackMan do?
TrackMan develop, manufacture and sell 3D sports ball measurement systems and our technologies have disrupted the way athletes practice to maximize their performance. With our technologies, both coaches and players can analyze performance with unprecedented precision and insight. We operate in sports verticals spanning from golf, football, tennis, and soccer, to more distinctive disciplines like the Olympic Game’s hammer throw and shot put. Common for them all is their demand for instant, accurate and reliable data on performance. Today, TrackMan is considered to be the world leader in sport ball measurement and the company has already set the industry standards for accuracy in both golf and baseball. TrackMan A/S is a privately held Danish company established in 2003. We are 180 people worldwide, of which 100 work at our headquarters in Vedbæk where this position is also based.
Apply now!
Please send your application (cover letter and CV) as soon as possible. Interviews are taking place on an ongoing basis. For further information, please contact HR Manager Lene Olesen at +45 5151 0546. We look
forward to hearing from you.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRACKMAN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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