Arbejde Mobile Application & System Review Manager unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4865422
documentId: 4865422
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1534413804650
stillingsbetegnelse: Mobile Application & System Review Manager
Job Description
Can you provide our customers with the best technical solution? And do you want to work in a global environment joining a high-performance team with potential for further growth, where you will continuously be able to develop your skills and competences? Then we have an interesting and challenging job for you!
In the course of providing our customers with the best technical solution, we have an opening for experienced engineers for our European Systems & Application Engineering organization. This customer-focused position plays a vital part in Danfoss Power Solutions’ Sales and Marketing organization.
You will become a part of a European team counting 40-45 dedicated engineers. Together with our customers, we develop optimized solutions related to propel, work, and control functions by specifying and verifying Danfoss Power Solution products and systems. The position is located in DK Nordborg or DE Neumünster, and you should expect around 40-50% traveling days.
Main areas of responsibilities
Your main task will be, through direct customer contact, to apply and validate application solutions based on Danfoss Power Solutions’ mobile hydraulic, electric and electronic control products across the entire product line. More specific you will:
- Provide local field test support to customers on system and component basis
- Run customer vehicle system reviews
- Be the trouble shooter
- Strengthen and preserve the Danfoss core competency APPLICATION know how to achieve “Unique Customer Experience”
- Do on-site machine testing, or participate on our new Application Development Center in Nordborg (See LINK):
Tune and optimize application software solutions at customers - Carry out customer presentations and training
- Communicate the voice of our customers by sharing current and future technical mobile market needs with the EU team members and other stakeholders
We expect that you:
- have a successfully completed degree, preferably as a qualified Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineer, at a level equivalent to a BSc as a minimum
- have knowledge and experience of application engineering and ideally mobile off-road applications (this will be an advantage)
- have a proven track record of hydraulic measurement and analysis, knowledge of software control solutions and communication technology
- see yourself being more an executer, than a developer
- have a huge personal drive, are self-driven and proactive
- are flexible, open minded, confident, outgoing and a great teamplayer
- bring minimum 5 years of experience within hydraulics and field testing
- have strong English skills, in writing and verbally. If you master other European languages, it will be considered a plus
This position has no people responsibility!
So, if you can see yourself in the above, and you want to work with a team of skilled and committed colleagues, then we would like to welcome you as our new Mobile Application & System Review Manager. We offer you a unique job opportunity, where you will be able to put all your personal competences into play and develop your skills for a future career within Danfoss.
For further information about the position,
please contact Senior Technical Director App. Eng. & Service, John Brilli at + 45 2360 3567. For information regarding the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter, Lone Midtgaard Wrang at +45 6131 1275.
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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