Arbejde MES Senior Project Manager unspecified VELUX A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk2MjQzNyA3

reference: 4962437

documentId: 4962437

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1553006269720

stillingsbetegnelse: MES Senior Project Manager


At the VELUX Group, we give you the chance to grow. To shape your own career. To work in an international environment. To be part of a company that leads the market in sustainable indoor living. We offer you a world of opportunities – if you have the ability and the drive to take them.

Discover more at or
Do you have a keen interest in Manufacturing Execution Systems and the digitalization of international production environments, and would you like to play an important role in creating the foundation of it in VELUX – then this role could be your next career move.

We are looking for an experienced and dedicated senior project manager, who would like to work with the complex tracking of information that helps us to understand how current conditions on the shop floor can be optimized to improve production output. This is the rare opportunity to join a team who are under constant development, and strives to work closely and effectively with stakeholders ensuring the strategic goals and objectives of VELUX.

Your challenges
As a MES Senior Project Manager you will report directly to the Global Technology Development Manager, and you will be responsible for implementing MES in the global production environment. You will be in charge of creating the roadmap, making the strategy and choosing the software. After the initial phase, you will implement the system in a global scale starting with a test factory, and managing the process with the resources in your project group.

You will communicate and engage with stakeholders on all levels to ensure the necessary support to carry out the project, and anchor the commitment in concordance between what goes on in the project and the relevant expectations and opportunities. You will deliver all elements of the project including planning, governance, risk control, change management, process facilitation and management of senior stakeholders.

Your other primary tasks will be to:

  • Support the organisation in working with digitalization using the framework from Industry 4.0 integrating i.e. AI, robots and RFID in the factories
  • Motivate and manage your project teams securing the progress in the projects
  • Ongoing project management performing daily leadership and communicate in and around the project
  • You scope and plan own activities based on agreed high level deliverables

“You will gain a large network as you collaborate with stakeholders throughout the organisation. It will also take you travelling around 40-60 days per year in both Denmark and Europe as you meet with colleagues at production sites, listen to their wishes and create buy-in,” says Steen Brorsen, Global Technology Development Manager.

Your qualifications
You bring to the position a relevant degree in Engineering or IT, and you combine your theoretical background with at least 5 years of relevant work experience in larger organizations, where you have worked with MES and the digitalization of manufacturing sites. Besides being a skilled project manager, your experience also includes working with roadmaps, assets planning and team development. You will typically have experience from a similar position as project manager, MES Solution Architect or consultant. You have excellent communication skills, a high proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint and other relevant project management tools. The role also requires you to be fully proficient in English.

On a more personal level, you value teamwork and collaboration, and with your good communication and project leader skills, you ensure that all team members are on board and feel heard. Also, you know how to share your knowledge and to function as a go-to person for your area. While you are motivated by setting the agenda for MES and the global digitalization process, you still manage to challenge status quo and speak up in a solution-oriented way – always with a focus on how to create value for the business.

Your opportunities
You will join our Global Production Technology team which is an international team with 55 colleagues based in Denmark and France. Together, we are responsible for developing new production technologies.

In addition to operating at a highly professional level, our team is characterized by an informal tone and a healthy sense of humor. We work as one team to reach our ambitious results, and you will join our project management courses to improve your competencies. We believe in empowering people, and we support this through sharing knowledge, delegating responsibility and investing in people who strive to make a difference.

As a MES Senior Project manager you will have the rare opportunity to set the agenda and strategy for implementing the system in VELUX working with a professional, committed and strong organization.

“We take our responsibilities very seriously here in our team. There is, however, always room for good humour and a smile. Collaboration is front and center in our team, which creates great trust among us. In general, you will join an organisation where commitment, thoroughness and mutual respect are among our core values,” finishes Steen.

Application and contact

The application and selection process will be done in collaboration with Brinch & Partners. If you would like to know more about this opportunity and the VELUX Group, please feel free to contact partner Henrik Smit by telephone +45 2215 2787.

In order to apply for the job, use the “Apply for the job” option. We look forward to receiving your application and CV as soon as possible.

All inquiries will be treated confidentially.

Work place: Kolding

For more information: Henrik Smit by telephone +45 2215 2787

Our company

For 75 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments for people around the world; making the most of daylight and fresh air through the roof. Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights as well as a range of decoration and sun screenings, roller shutters, installation solutions and intelligent home controls. These products help to ensure a healthy and sustainable indoor climate, for work and learning, for play and pleasure. We work globally – with sales and manufacturing operations in more than 40 countries and around 9,500 employees worldwide. The VELUX Group is owned by VKR Holding A/S, a limited company wholly owned by foundations and family.

For more information, visit

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: VELUX A/S

source: DK-STAR


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