Arbejde Mathematics & Science Teacher unspecified Sønderborg International School - jobtilbud

id: NDg4NjEwOCA3

reference: 4886108

documentId: 4886108

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538549353786

stillingsbetegnelse: Mathematics & Science Teacher



Dates: Apply by 29/10/2018
Salary: Pay scale according Danish legislation
Location: Sønderborg, Denmark
Contract type: Fixed-term employment contract 90% approx.
Job start: 1 January 2019

Are you burning for a job where you can make a difference with your experience in driving performance across more age groups?

Sønderborg is an active, culturally rich city beautifully located in the south of Denmark with numerous leisure time possibilities. Centrally located Sønderborg International School is enriching the area by providing Cambridge acknowledged international education up to IGCSE exams.

In simple terms, we are committed to creating a truly international learning environment where teachers and students alike are excited by the learning process, strive to achieve excellence in what we do and where parents and the community enjoy close involvement.

To make this happen, we need motivated, innovative and experienced teachers capable of empowering students to realise their full potential. We are a young but fast developing school. Now we are splitting our last mixed-age class and thus we are looking for a skilled mathematics and science teacher. The age groups are Primary for science (Y2 up to Y6) and Upper Primary for mathematics (Y4 and Y5).

The teacher we need has to be strong in his/her subjects and have excellent classroom management skills.

For further information about the position, please contact our headmaster, Mr. Henrik Kristensen, per email: mail (at) or by telephone +45 7443 0110.

If this position sounds inspiring to you, please send your application completed in English together with all relevant documents per email to:

Mrs. Charlotte Fahrendorff

Phone: +45 74430110
Email : mail (at)

Job interviews will be conducted in week 46.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: parttime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Sønderborg International School

source: DK-STAR


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