Arbejde Marketing Specialist unspecified CHR HANSEN A/S - jobtilbud


reference: 5018340

documentId: 5018340

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1562848212183

stillingsbetegnelse: Marketing Specialist


Do you want to help improve food and health around the world?

At Chr. Hansen, food and health is at the heart of everything we do and our natural ingredients are consumed by more than 1 billion people every day. As a global market leader in bioscience, we have the opportunity to address important global challenges such as food waste, healthy living and sustainable agriculture and we need the brightest and most passionate people on board to succeed. Want to join us?


A career with Chr. Hansen 
Joining Chr. Hansen is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference while unfolding your career in a global setting. In each of our 32 global offices, you will be able to experience an agile organization that is proud to encourage an inspiring work environment and a collaborative culture full of passion to make a difference. 

Our founder, Christian D. A. Hansen, was a true entrepreneur and that mentality is still very present and valued today – as we look for new talent to strengthen our team. We are always looking for people who can take charge, come up with new ideas and form their own work practice and methods. 

Engagement matters to us, therefore we offer a work environment where cooperation and respect are the top priorities.


Marketing Specialist, Global Marketing for Chr. Hansen Natural Colors 
Do you want to join a truly dynamic global business and use your marketing skills to support our growth objectives? Then Chr. Hansen Natural Colors will be the right place for you to flourish as our new Marketing Specialist, Global Marketing. For our Natural Colors global marketing team, we are indeed looking for an ambitious Marketing Specialist to support our growth targets.


A true marketing position with a global scope
You will part of a truly international team and report directly to the Director of Global Marketing. Your main responsibilities include the support to the different global marketing industry leads to ensure that we deliver our annual industry plans and long term strategic objectives. In addition, you will support our communication efforts working closely with the NCD branding and communication team. You will also collaborate closely with our global sales organization supporting the major international key accounts with sound and up-to-date marketing support. 


More specifically, objectives will be to:

  • Support annual industry strategy review and marketing plans 
  • Prepare collaterals and different materials to support the sales organization  
  • Elaborate reports and presentation on trends, industry insights…
  • Define and coordinate with regions the global marketing campaigns 
  • Support marketing communication team to ensure execution of global plan
  • Work closely with international key account managers to support the sales efforts
  • Participate in new product launch and prepare related documentation 
  • Lead cross industry initiatives including business development activities
  • Prepare business plan for new product development projects
  • Write press articles and articles for different media
  • Quarterly reporting and analysis of performance 


Marketing background in food industry
You have a marketing background with at least 2 years of relevant experience, a commercial mindset, and a natural passion and curiosity to understand and analyze the drivers of our industries. You can communicate with people working in communication, product management, sales and marketing. You are a real marketer and you understand what motivates the people in sales and you support them in a very effective way. You have an engaging personality and you are not afraid to get involved in both strategic as well as operational topics across the organization. We are looking for a candidate who has: 

  • A Bachelor or Master in Business, Marketing or similar
  • A good understanding of the food ingredients industry & value chain, preferably from FMCG food companies or from ingredient suppliers 
  • Good analytical skills and ability to combine multiple complex information into a simple way
  • Is capable of conceptual thinking for developing new marketing materials and sales tools 
  • Understands the use of modern media channels
  • Can work in a multicultural organization


The role will be based in Hørsholm, Denmark and includes global activities. As such, you must be ready to travel approx. 30 days per year 

You report to the Director Global Marketing, Chr. Hansen Natural Colors. 


Chr. Hansen Natural Colors and your new team
A fully realized world market for natural colors in food & beverages is estimated at three times the current market value; consumer preferences drive this growth as they are increasingly focused on natural ingredients. With a no.1 position in the industry, Chr. Hansen Natural Colors is well positioned to take further advantage of this strategic growth opportunity. Global marketing plays a key role in defining our industry strategies and required product portfolio to realize our long-term growth objectives.  

Our global marketing team has 10 experienced and dedicated colleagues with overall responsibility for industry strategies, value propositions of our global product portfolio, new launches, marketing campaigns and marketing intelligence to support our regional sales and global key account teams.


Apply now

If you have any questions, please contact Jerome Raudin, Chr. Hansen Natural Colors at dkjera (at)  

Please apply on-line. Please submit your resume and CV as soon as possible as we are interviewing on an ongoing basis. Deadline: August 16th  2019. 

Read more about working for Chr. Hansen at:  

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: CHR HANSEN A/S

source: DK-STAR


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