Arbejde Marine and Coastal Engineer for Port Planning and Port Feasibility Study projects unspecified RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4897903
documentId: 4897903
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540898766626
Marine and Coastal Engineer for Port Planning and Port Feasibility Study projects
Do you have what it takes to tackle the engineering challenges for the world’s largest port developments?
With a bulging portfolio of port and marine projects, we are looking for an ambitious Port Planner to expand and strengthen our team. You will join our group of dedicated experts as a senior experienced Marine and Coastal Engineer responsible for project delivery of Port Master Planning, Port Feasibility Studies and Concept Designs on international port and marine development projects.
Are you ready to join our team and deliver state-of-art Port Layout Plans and lead the design processes evolving around early stage Port Development, now is the chance!
Your responsibilities
You are expected to:
- Take a leading project manager role in Port Master Planning and Port Feasibility Study projects
- Ensure state-of-art port design layout:
Optimized with respect to navigational safety, port productivity and efficiency versus construction and operational costs
Planned to accommodate the local coastal hydraulic and sediment transport conditions
Design concept in alignment with geotechnical and local design conditions
Organized to ensure sound port operational and logistical aspects
Planned to ensure environmentally and socio-economically sound solutions - Manage client and ensure stakeholder engagement and data collection during inception phases at site assessment
- Structure and produce clear and elaborate design documentation in the form of Feasibility Study Design Reports, where you will:
Organise and give input to graphic deliverables in drawing production
Collaborate and coordinate with a wide range of specialists all giving their input as part of the overall project delivery - Take part in tender activities and proposal writing within the area
Your profile and competencies
You are a confident and driven Port and Coastal engineer with a strong academic background in marine and coastal design. Ideally, you have:
- 5-10 years of experience in Port and Coastal Planning and Design
- In particular an advanced experience in early stage developments like Port Master Planning, Port Feasibility Studies and Concept Design phases
- Strong capabilities in coastal morphological studies, hydraulic modelling, sedimentation and scour development issues
- Solid knowledge of disciplines associated with port planning projects (market studies, port capacity evaluations and operational planning, traffic planning, environmental assessments, etc.)
- Keen understanding of navigational and manoeuvring aspects for optimal Port Design and Layout
- Knowledge on port operational and logistical aspects for handling of goods in the port and alignment and planning of hinterland infrastructure connectivity
- Understanding of geotechnics, geotechnical challenges and associated structural marine design philosophies
- Ability to effectively communicate your ideas through precise technical sketches and reports
- Technical creativity and good verbal and written communication skills
- Team spirit and ability to go beyond client’s expectations
- International mindset and ready to travel the world
Danish language skills at professional level are not necessary but are considered an advantage.
Join the Ports and Geo Structures department
The Ports and Geo Structures department is part of Ramboll’s ports and marine service line spread across several countries. Our current projects include client consultant role for one of the world’s largest blue-field port developments – Port of Cherchell (Algeria), Port of Nador (Morocco), Masterplan for new terminals for CMP in Nordhavn (DK), wharf in Alotau (PNG), development of new islands in the Manila Bay (Philippines) and several Feasibility Studies and detailed design port projects in Bangladesh, Africa, Philippines and Greenland.
We nurture a distinct inter-disciplinary approach and emphasize cohesion between disciplines to ensure that all members of the team can bring tangible value to some of the most complex projects in Ramboll’s portfolio, both in Denmark and internationally.
You will be part of a highly engaged and ambitious group where you will find sufficient expert guidance from some of the best Port Planning and Marine Design experts but also be able to exert leadership towards junior staff. You are expected to take part in structured and constructive feedback exchange among colleagues to ensure continuous development of professional skills and interpersonal relations. Our clients are accustomed to high-end service and you will be expected not only to live up to these standards but push further.
Working at Ramboll
To work at Ramboll means being part of a people organisation. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography, and we aim for a strong diversity among our employees. This enables us to solve a broad range of challenges, and we firmly believe that cross-collaboration leads to creative and longstanding solutions. Thus, the possibilities at Ramboll are many and diverse – we invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual.
About Ramboll
Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. The company employs more than 14,000 experts globally and has especially strong representation in the Nordics, UK, North America, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. With 300 offices in 35 countries, Ramboll combines local experience with a global knowledgebase constantly striving to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients, the end-users, and society at large. Ramboll works across the following markets: Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting. More information available at Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
If you want to know more about the position, please contact Head of Department, Morten Thorhauge Boolsen +45 5161 7529, or Senior Chief Project Manager, Ralph G. Bjørndal, +45 5161 6291.
If you are interested in applying, please send your mail through our online recruitment system by clicking the link to apply.
Please send your application no later than 1 December 2018.
Ansøgningsfrist 2018-12-01
Arbejdssted Copenhagen
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S
source: DK-STAR
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