Arbejde Manager, Strategic Finance - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud
reference: 4886088
documentId: 4886088
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538549044936
stillingsbetegnelse: Manager, Strategic Finance - Aarhus
Do you have international finance experience at a strategic level or a top tier consultancy background, and do you want to impact how Arla Foods drives performance? Then join the Strategic Finance team to provide core insights and help us achieve our ambitious Good Growth 2020 strategy.
A value driven finance business analyst for top management
Reporting to the Senior Director of Strategic Finance, this is a unique opportunity to become a part of a dynamic and international team of 10 colleagues based in Viby, Denmark. As Manager, you will operate across all levels of our global organisation as analyst and sparring partner for Corporate Finance management and the business on a variety of strategic and finance driven topics. In this role, where you influence decision-making processes to improve Arla’s business performance, you will be responsible for:
- driving insight analyses for presentation in our Executive Management Team and Board of Directors. This means transforming complex data and facts into clear messages to support the ongoing performance dialogue
- further moving performance management in Arla Foods towards an integrated performance management model including both traditional ‘financial’ KPIs and more externally and operationally focused KPIs
- Support the development of the strategic planning and investment process across Arla to ensure firm strategy and investment follow-up and seamless planning processes
- a variety of ad hoc tasks and project management assignments spanning from short-term forecast and business impact analysis to larger project assignments within strategy and finance
Firm analytical business skills and a true relationship builder
You will get to use your excellent people skills as you work across the entire Arla Foods finance and operational organisation. With your strong cooperative nature, you involve stakeholders and lead all types of activities – from complex projects to very hands-on day-to-day tasks. As a true relationship builder, you are capable of creating a network with a clear focus on execution and progress on our operational agendas.
- You have a few years of international finance experience with exposure to strategic tasks and/or a top tier management/financial consulting background with a proven track record based on a strong business or finance degree at Master’s level
- You possess solid financial and business analytical skills in combination with an in-depth knowledge of financial as well as operational value drivers and KPIs
- You have a strong commercial mind-set and the ability to link financial analysis with commercial, operational and strategic business implications
- A firm toolbox on communication, presentation and spread sheet modelling is a prerequisite
If you want to seize this exciting opportunity, please apply before 12 October 2018.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA
source: DK-STAR
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