Arbejde Manager, Customer Service Management & Controlling-150000JY Syddanmark Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud

Manager, Customer Service Management & Controlling-150000JY

Are you ready to lead and manage a dedicated and highly competent team? Are you an experienced and talented people manager? Then maybe you are the new Manager for the Customer Service Management & Controlling department. Vestas Northern Europe is a sale Business Unit for Northern Europe. We are responsible for sale, construction and service of wind turbine generators in this region. Our service organisation in Denmark works in a professional and efficient way to secure the operation and maintenance of our customers turbines. We are looking for manager for the Customer Service Management & Controlling which is a department within the service organisation. The overall responsibility: The aim of the role is to drive the business and its growth by delivering first class customer service and exceed the customer’s expectation. The role holder acts on behalf of the customer internally within Vestas to ensure that we deliver on the customers’ Business Case. The role holder is also responsible for the Administration & Controlling function and a speaking partner for other managers and team leaders when it comes to finance and administrative tasks and routines. The Job will, amongst others include: Lead, Develop and retain co-workers within own department and in the Service organisation. You will have approximately 10-13 direct reports Create, build and retain excellent customer relationship leading to high customer satisfaction as well as solid financial success for both the customer and Vestas Ownership of the customers service experience Secure that Vestas deliver according to supply and service agreements Create, build and retain excellent relationship with other departments within Vestas Ensuring accuracy in receivables and payables and uphold administrative routines Prepare and analyse different budget, cost, revenue and efficiency reports and suggest actions accordingly. Drive and Coordinate the budget process as well as the follow up. Actively contribute to develop the Department, the service organisation and the way we are working Qualifications: Worked as a manager in similar roles for several years Have a higher education degree or equivalent experience Strong English and Danish language both written and orally Solid communication and negotiating skills Work experience with SAP and the ability to understand and use complex IT tools and systems Good financial and legal understanding as well as analytical skills combined with the ability to get involved in complex technical and contractual issues Ability to quickly understand our business and what creates value for the customer and for Vestas Ability to create and maintain relationships with both external customers as internal Vestas departments at different levels Driving license since some traveling will be necessary As a person we like to see that you: Have genuine interest in people and their development Have a desire to grow both professionally and personally Find it easy to understand processes and how things are linked together Self-driven and self-motivated with the ability to drive projects both independently and in a team Pedagogic when presenting facts and figures Constructive critical thinking and ability to challenge the way we do business today What we offer: We are a team of skilled and committed colleagues who are all enthusiastic about wind energy. We have a great atmosphere within the department, and everyone is always prepared to help out when needed. We are a global company with an informal, but professional approach to the daily business and assignments. Additional information The primary work location is Videbæk, DK. Travel days must be expected. Job: Field Service Primary Location: Denmark-Midtjylland-Videbæk

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000

Job kort beskrivelse:
Ledelse inden for anden forretningsservice og andre administrative funktioner

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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