Arbejde Junior Java Engineer - Copenhagen unspecified ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg4ODM1NSA3

reference: 4888355

documentId: 4888355

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538734444566

stillingsbetegnelse: Junior Java Engineer - Copenhagen


We are looking for a motivated and passionate Junior Java Engineer to join our team here in Copenhagen!
As a Falcon Back-end Software Engineer, you will help build, scale and improve the backend of a fast growing Customer Experience platform. You will aid us in building a real time, scalable, stable platform serving thousands of clients in a reliable and performant manner. You will be using new technologies, to solve hard problems in a friendly and encouraging work environment. You will also be encouraged to share your experience and knowledge, sparring with your colleagues to grow together!

What you'll do:

    • Help design, implement and improve our services while helping us adopt best practices 
    • Write elegant, self testing, well documented code
    • Be mindful of the business - by communicating with your colleagues and management, help us ensure that we’re building the right thing at the right time

What you have:

    • Good knowledge of Java
    • Familiarity with relational (e.g. PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (e.g. ElasticSearch, Redis) databases
    • Knowledge of  RESTful APIs, their design and implementation
    • Preferable to have experience with building and/or running large-scale applications on a PaaS/SaaS cloud, preferably AWS
    • Knowledge of Docker and containerization a big plus
    • Familiarity with Spring
    • English language fluency

What we offer:

    • Internal tech talks, skills-building resources and technical people leads who help you achieve mastery
    • Assistance for relocation if not currently living in Denmark
    • Open, informal and multinational working environment
    • An opportunity to work with companies of all sizes including large international brands in a cross-border context
    • High level of responsibility and excellent career opportunities
    • Flexible working hours
    • Lunch, drinks and healthy snacks daily
    • Social events like friday bar, company outings and more

About is Europe’s leading Customer Experience platform. Headquartered in Copenhagen Denmark, we have offices in Budapest, Berlin, New York and Sofia. We have a strong customer base in Europe and are quickly gaining foothold in USA.
In engineering we are a nimble team of around 40 developers building a big integrated, polished, easy to use SaaS suite. We value self motivated, driven and enthusiastic developers who want to take active part in our journey - this is more to us than ‘just’ programming!
We take an agile approach to problem solving, and favor failing early when venturing off the beaten path. We honor initiative, and learn from our mistakes.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS

source: DK-STAR


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