Arbejde Junior Data Scientist unspecified BLACKWOOD SEVEN A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1OTA1MCA3

reference: 4959050

documentId: 4959050

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1552466036006

stillingsbetegnelse: Junior Data Scientist


Blackwood Seven is a Media AI Platform helping Marketing optimize future media investments and predict the business results. The platform applies artificial intelligence and machine learning to media planning across all offline and online media channels – and it is powered by HamiltonAI. Come and join our AI team. We are currently hiring a student data scientists to join us in Copenhagen.

Come and join our AI team. We are currently hiring a student data scientists to join us in Copenhagen.

As a student data scientist you’ll participate in generating mixed marketing models starting from beginning of initial data verification, creating and deploying the model to finally quality ensuring the output results. In return, we offer you a vibrant environment where you have the opportunity to learn about the most cutting edge technologies.

The AI team is responsible for developing and maintaining a software framework that allows for quickly building a multitude of state of the art models in a scalable fashion, whilst at the same time create and verifying the models that satisfy the customers needs.

Our team works in close collaboration software engineers in the platform development team as well as colleagues in product delivery and customer success.

We imagine that you are an ambitious student who takes pride in getting the details right, but at the same time is concerned with the overall end outcome. You have a bachelor's degree and pursuing a master's degree within math, statistics, physics, computer science or related. You thorough experience working with numerical programming languages like R, Python or Matlab. You have drive, and talent, takes responsibility and are eager to learn and grow fast. We anticipate a 10-15 hours work per week, with flexibility around exams periods etc.

If that sounds like you, we would love to hear from you!

About The Role

As a student Data Scientist, here is what you’ll probably spend most of your time on:

  • Taking part in onboarding data. What types of data is available, what are needed what are nice to have, what is the quality of the data, intricacies like correlation and causality.
  • Creating and adjusting models and analyse whether the model creates “sane” output.
  • Contribute with developing automated dashboards/reports with relevant output statistics of the model and data.
  • Collaborating with teams that utilise the models.
  • Being a team player (R&D teams in Blackwood Seven are self-managing and we like people who take initiative and are self-driven);
  • Having fun and hacking away.

About You

Here are some competencies/attributes that we look for:

  • A bachelor degree in math, physics, computer science, statistics, engineering or similar.
  • Experienced in numerical programming languages like R, Python or Matlab
  • Experienced in visualising complex data.
  • Some experience with distributed version control systems (Git/GitHub is a plus).
  • A self-starter, a good communicator, and willing to present and advocate the team’s work to other teams.
  • Learning, sparring, asking questions.

About Blackwood Seven

We are very agile and follow modern software engineering best practices. We believe that technology and creativity are the most powerful tools to disrupt and set the standards of a new era. Most of all, we believe in people. The way that we work is guided by some fundamental values:


We believe that our colleagues will do their best to perform their tasks and to realize Blackwood Seven’s goals. We believe that our colleagues are trustworthy, hardworking, and honest.

Equal worth

We believe that everyone has the same right to make and influence decisions. This means that we safely trust our colleagues to make the majority of the decisions relevant for the role they are filling in the team.


We believe that everyone needs full access to all knowledge in order to have the best possible basis for making decisions. We believe that they may have valuable ideas that we otherwise might miss.

Join us.

If you see yourself as a part of our team at Blackwood Seven and believe that you can contribute with something valuable, apply for the position!

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BLACKWOOD SEVEN A/S

source: DK-STAR


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