Arbejde IT Supporter Syddanmark MAERSK CONTAINER INDUSTRY A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: IT Supporter

Maersk Container Industry is looking for a service-oriented and competent IT Supporter with broad technological IT knowledge. You will be working closely with business users and IT professionals, giving you the opportunity to develop a strong network both within and outside MCI. We Offer Excellent opportunities to develop your skills, and you can count on learning more through your assignments, as well as through training and certification. You will get a mutually binding career plan, ensuring that focus is on you and your professional development. MCI IT is currently undergoing massive changes, transforming IT into a modern and state-of-the-art cloud-based setup that will improve user experience and efficiency. MCI offers an exciting, challenging and responsible job in an international, informal and team orientated environment. Work location will be Tinglev, but some travel is to be expected to China and Chile. Key Responsibilities To engage, support and train the employees with high service and professionalism at all times in matters of IT assistance. Be responsible, together with the local IT team, for ensuring all IT equipment used by employees in the Tinglev office are available and working to the highest performance standards. Furthermore, you will manage the IT assets, such as printers, PCs, TVs and projectors of the Tinglev site and be responsible for the support contracts and agreements. In addition, you will have the overall ownership of the ITSM system, ServiceNow that is currently being implemented. Who we are looking for • You are newly graduated from a valid IT supporter education or similar, or have a few years of experience from a similar position • You have excellent people skills which are paramount to handle and maintain the service level and professionalism required at MCI IT • You are open-minded with a constant constructive and problem-solving approach to your surroundings • The right candidate is proactive, identifying potential issues before they occur, and is capable of following a task all the way to the end • Proficient English skills, spoken and written • Experience with the ITSM tool ServiceNow is an advantage Last application date: 27 June 2016. For further information, please contact: Anna Micski for additional questions +45 7364 3431 Maersk Container Industry A/S (MCI), a part of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group, is a global company manufacturing world-class transportation equipment solutions to a global customer base. MCI is headquartered in Denmark with offices in Tinglev and Copenhagen, while production facilities are situated in China and Chile. The MCI Group at present employs around 5 ,500 employees globally. MCI offers three unique products: dry containers, reefer containers and Star Cool reefer machines. The products are sold to customers all over the world. MCI has established their business over a relatively short period of time and is today considered to be one of the most significant players within the industry in general, and within reefer containers and reefer machines in particular. You can learn more about the products and MCI on


Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 73643400

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemadministration

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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