Arbejde IT Project Manager unspecified BESTSELLER A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk2NTE5OCA3

reference: 4965198

documentId: 4965198

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1553610623560

stillingsbetegnelse: IT Project Manager


If you have a passion for managing projects within a change minded IT organisation, then we would like to hear from you!      

This career opportunity is ideal for a talented professional who not only understand the complexities of projects, but also thrive with an exciting workday and the desire to show results.  

The team   

You will become part of a high-performing team of highly skilled project managers who support BESTSELLER’s IT organisation by handling larger projects going across teams. The focus of the team is to create continuous business value and ensure roll-out and change in 40+ countries across the world.  The IT organization is in a transition to a more agile setup. Therefore, you will join a team in a time of change with a focus on the project management disciplines meeting the agile ways of working.  

The job   

In BESTSELLER IT we are always working on several projects to create value for our fashion brands to get success in the high paced fashion industry. Therefore, we are seeking a skilled IT Project Manager, who wants to be a part of an opportunity to join an ambitious IT department and be part of creating the best solutions in the fashion world.   

Your primary focus is to: 

  • manage projects by facilitate alignment and collaboration across teams 
  • manage stakeholders  
  • work closely together with product owners and ensure that value is created throughout the project 
  • provide status on progress and project budget follow-up 
  • responsible for enabling business adaption in our brands and markets together with colleagues within and outside IT, i.e. ensure end to end solutions and that users adapts the solutions in their daily work. 

Your skill set 

We are looking for a candidate that can foster an open, transparent, cooperative environment while keeping stakeholders in the loop. You should be a critical thinker and have the capability to understand overarching business needs so you can assist and challenge when needed. 

You know what works in projects where multiple stakeholder interests intersect and thrive in this environment to deliver great results. You have great leadership qualities and can manage project within an agile IT setup.   

It is important to have a natural curiosity and inclination to interact closely with users, cultures, stakeholders, technologies, scrum teams and other managers. It is also important with excellent personal, verbal, and written communication skills.    

What we are looking for is someone who has: 

  • experience with managing complex IT projects 
  • 2-3 years of experience as an IT project manager 
  • great stakeholder management skills and experience from a large international organization 
  • a relevant educational background 
  • fluency in both spoken and written English. 

Your profile   

You have a strong desire to interact with other people and show the way in the project. You can see and understand the complexity of the big picture and actively seek coherence and transparency. You are a team player that can join the dots between people, strategy and execution. You are structured and able to follow-up on your project and create visibility for all teams and stakeholders.   

On a more personal note you are:

  • Excellent at solving problems and have well developed analytical skills 
  • Result oriented, curious and independent 
  • Motivated to work with a truly dynamic, multinational and highly professional team, with a can-do approach. 

Curious for more?   

Get a glimpse of what life is like in BESTSELLER by visiting us on LinkedIn.    

We look forward to hearing from you!   

In case you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact Kristoffer Buur on +45 30853548. Otherwise send us your application and CV and soon as possible and no later than 30th of April 2019. We review applications on an ongoing basis and reserve the right to take down the ad, when we find the right candidate.   


We are more than 300 people strong with our primary location in Denmark and hubs in Spain and Germany.  We are excited about what we do, but there’s more to us than our tech stack. 

We are young at heart and thrive in a flat organisation. Our teams are agile and empowered with end-to-end responsibility. We want to be at the forefront of the newest technologies, and we move forward together. Every day. 

If you want to play a significant part in empowering our business, then welcome to BESTSELLER IT.    

BESTSELLER IT is part of the worldwide fashion company BESTSELLER. For more information, please go to 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BESTSELLER A/S

source: DK-STAR


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