Arbejde International Customer Service Trainee unspecified Scanaerotech ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4931998
documentId: 4931998
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547727206946
stillingsbetegnelse: International Customer Service Trainee
We are seeking a trainee to our international customer service team at our office in Copenhagen Airport. The right candidate is interested in technical products, International Business and Customer Support and does not mind to get some oil on their hands occasionally.
The right candidate does not need to have experience within the Aerospace sector and we also welcome newly graduates to apply for the position. Our customers are mainly Airlines outside of Denmark, so it is a must that the person can fluently communicate in both written and oral English.
The trainee position has a broad footprint into different areas of the company and the right candidate will have a major impact in further development the company and their own role.
Because we are a small start up company from 2016, there will be many opportunities and challenges both in terms of identifying the correct projects to work on and to stream line our internal processes to cope with our increasing number of both customers and products.
Key responsibilities:
- Support our two sales managers in the office by ensuring on time delivery of orders to our customers.
- Order handling, purchasing from key suppliers and using our ERP software for all customer interactions.
- Daily contact to suppliers and customer pr. Phone and mail.
- Preparation of quotations, campaigns and other sales leading activities.
- Controlling paperwork for outgoing shipments.
- Preparing shipping labels and booking shipments.
- Development of user manuals, datasheets and update of company website.
Our expectations:
- That you have good IT skills and can use MS word, excel, powerpoint and outlook.
- That you are fluent in both written and oral English.
- That you have an interest in technical products.
- That you actively communicate and offer our customers the highest level of service.
- That you work structured and can keep track of all sales orders.
- Have a degree from HH, HHX or as Market Economist with interest in sales and daily customer contact.
What you can expect from us:
- A casual and entrepreneurial spirit in the company
- International position within the Aerospace sector and high level of influence in the development of the company for the right candidate.
- Introduction to internal systems and training in our systems and product portfolio.
- A two year trainee position with growth opportunities for the right candidate.
ScanAerotech started up in 2016 with the aim of becoming the most reliable Aviation Tooling Specialist company and has over the last years demonstrated a good track record in development of new tools and services to Airlines. We will further expand our services in terms of a broader portfolio of tools and expand our company with more employees based on our growth plans in 2019. ScanAerotech is ISO 9001 certified and all employees will receive prober training in our procedures and will also be able to adjust our processes based on future requirements
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Scanaerotech ApS
source: DK-STAR
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