Arbejde Information Security Manager unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4897857
documentId: 4897857
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540898768673
stillingsbetegnelse: Information Security Manager
Maersk is going through times of unprecedented change. As we aspire to secure sustainable growth of our businesses, we need to re-think the way we engage with our customers and partners. Digitisation and IT are taking centre stage in enabling this engagement. Join us in Transport and Logistics IT as we re-think what technology can do to drive growth.
We offer
Joining Maersk T&L will embark you on a great journey with career development in a global organisation. As a Risk Manager, you will gain broad business knowledge of the company’s activities globally, as well as understand how the complexity of IT supports the transport and logistics business.
You will be exposed to a wide and challenging range of business issues through regular engagement with key stakeholders across all management levels within Maersk.
You will work and communicate across geographical and cultural borders that will enable you to build a strong professional network. We believe people thrive when they are in charge of their career paths and professional growth. We will provide you with opportunities to broaden your knowledge and strengthen your technical and professional foundation.
By choosing Maersk, you join not only for the role, but for a career. From here your path may take you towards extended responsibilities within Application Development, IT Delivery or IT Leadership.
We aim to be a world-class professional IT organisation that delivers business value through automation, standardisation and innovation. We believe in empowerment where each of us takes ownership and responsibility for developing and implementing new ways of working.
Key responsibilities
A vacancy exists for an Information Security Risk Manager within Maersk.
The role will involve:
•Driving application of the security risk management framework across the business, IT and supporting functions
•Applying a risk appetite for risk management based on that defined by Maersk through Enterprise Risk Management
•Ensuring that formal risk assessments including IT projects are performed accurately and consistently
•Providing input into the development of Information Security strategy, influencing the direction of Maersk Risk & Control
•Providing Enterprise Risk Management with visibility of key information and cyber risks
•Working with your peers in IT and the Brands to determine pragmatic recommendations to reduce risk exposure in line with Maersk risk appetite
•Overseeing the implementation of Maersk information and cyber risk remediation to closure
•Overseeing the completion of thorough assessments of in-scope systems, applications, processes and locations by your team to establish information security risks and control gaps
•Working with colleagues in the Information Security team to build relationships with key teams in IT and the Brands that will enable Maersk to manage its risk exposure and control environment
•Driving a culture of understanding and awareness around Information Security risks throughout IT and the Brands
•Identifying and evaluating Maersk’s strategic risks and developing relevant methods for remediation
Primary Internal Stakeholders
•Other Heads of Information Security – Compliance and PRE
•Maersk T&L Brands & Supporting Functions – Risk owners
•Operational IT Security
•Production Services
•IT SOE Maintain & Improve
•Enterprise Risk Management
•Information Security Brand Engagement Officers
•IT Programmes and Portfolios
•Enterprise Architecture
•Technology Office
•BCA owners
Primary External Stakeholders
•Third party vendors
•Service providers
We are looking for
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills and able to be understood by both technical and non-technical personnel
•Ability to manage conflicting priorities and multiple tasks
•Stakeholder management and interpersonal skills at both a technical and non-technical level
•Able to work in a collaborative environment
•Ability to drive process teams to understand reporting situation, explores options and come to consensus on preferred solution
•Good presentation skills
•Ability to work with offshore stakeholders
•Ability to work with vague requirements to build prototypes/sketches and go through multiple iterations before agreeing on a workable solution
•Experience and proven track record in Information Security
•Experience within a customer-focused environment
•Knowledge of the applications or the technical landscape within the domain and experience of delivering Information Security projects to its demands
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S
source: DK-STAR
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