Arbejde Industrial PhDs within CMS, Structural Health Monitoring and Blade Composites unspecified Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2MzYyNiA3

reference: 4863626

documentId: 4863626

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534147143636

Industrial PhDs within CMS, Structural Health Monitoring and Blade Composites


For our Technology Development module we are looking for two highly skilled engineers with strong knowledge of composite integrity and structural health monitoring. The engineers will be working on modelling and validating damage models and uncertainty propagation of damages on wind turbine blades within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network.  

The researcher will be part of the Condition Monitoring department and interface to the Blade Structural Design Department. These departments are responsible for condition monitoring and the design of new blades and the development of core technologies. As part of the training program, the researcher will have two secondments at partner institutions.  

What are my responsibilities?
· Develop new micro/macro scale models of the evolution of composite damage in turbine blades

· Develop V&V methods for validating the damage models using coupon and substructure testing

· Validate structural health monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic systems, based on data from turbine blade models

· Develop uncertainty propagation methodology for wind turbine blade damage models

· Predict risk assessment framework to characterize the risk in a real system

· Proactively maintain interfaces with other PhD students within the program

· Proactively maintain interfaces in both the Load and Control and the Blade module


What do I need to qualify for this job?
· You have an MSc degree in mechanical engineering or aeronautical engineering and a solid understanding of the field of composites and structural health monitoring

· Knowledge of wind turbine control is a plus

· The candidate must satisfy the mobility requirements of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie framework, i.e. not have lived in the country of the host organization for more than 12 months in the last 3 years

· You are an early stage researcher within the first 4 years of your research career

· You are excited about the prospect of working in an international project

· You have excellent communication skills and are able to communicate your results in a clear and convincing manner

· You have a structured approach to your work and are keen to deepen your knowledge in a 3 year research project

· You are able to work independently and you can drive your own assignments

· You possess excellent English skills both orally and in writing


In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated.


About Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

With a worldwide installed capacity of 75 GW, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has a presence in more than 90 countries and a team of 25,000 employees worldwide. Its end-to-end value chain presence encompasses onshore and offshores wind turbines design, manufacturing, installation as well as cutting-edge service solutions. The global headquarters and legal domicile of the company is located in Zamudio, Spain. The company is listed on the Spanish stock exchange.


Denmark is a core part of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy global wind power activities, housing global wind power R&D and engineering activities along with several supply chain management, sales and project management functions. Currently, approximately 5,700 employees out of a global staff of 25,000 work with wind power solutions in Denmark.



We continuously strive to strengthen our position, and we are therefore looking for bright minds eager to join a dynamic, international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees.


By joining Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy you will become part of an open and dynamic workplace where professional and personal development is an important part of the agenda. We prioritize being responsible for our employees’ health and well-being, and we offer many employee benefits.


Apply online in English for the job at Please note that we will reply by email. We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of your ability, as we will use the data to review your suitability for the role.


For further information regarding the recruitment process, please send the recruiting team an email via (at) Please mention the Job ID in the email.


We kindly draw your attention to the fact that this email may not be used for sending applications or CVs for evaluation.


Deadline for applications: as soon as possible

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S

source: DK-STAR


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