Arbejde HR Student Assistant unspecified CMC BIOLOGICS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4885283
documentId: 4885283
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538388372216
stillingsbetegnelse: HR Student Assistant
AGC Biologics is looking for an HR Student Assistant to join our HR department in the Copenhagen Office.
Would you like to work for a Contract Manufacturing Organization producing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) for different biopharmaceutical companies worldwide? Do you want to work at our Copenhagen facility, which is capable of large scale manufacturing of API using cell culture or microbial technology? And do you see yourself contributing to our continuous growth?
Then join AGC Biologics in a student assistant role and become part of an international and modern organization that delivers biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Key Responsibilities
As a Student Assistant in the HR team you will be expected to assist with various administrative and practical tasks, such as maintaining our HR-archive, register and archive feedback schemes. In addition, you will work on multiple projects, such as:
• Assist with drafting and reviewing various contracts
• File new contracts
• Assist with updating employee information
• Assist with updating various HR policies
• Assist with calling candidates and scheduling interviews
• Various ad-hoc tasks
AGC is a very dynamic and fast-moving company and you will be exposed to many interesting HR aspects. Furthermore you will get great insight to the biopharmaceutical industry.
Who are we looking for
You are diplomatic, detail-oriented, service-minded, and driven by the opportunity to provide first class support. You have a positive can-do attitude, as you will have to juggle the various demands of a fast-paced and versatile business environment.
We expect you to have:
• The ability to work independently, methodically, accurately and neatly
• Good oral and written communication skills (both Danish and English)
• The ability to work in a global and diverse work environment
• Good interpersonal skills and the ability to build relations across the AGC organization
• A workweek with an average of 7-10 hours
We expect that you are studying Cand.merc.HRM or Cand.soc. HRM and you have around 1-2 years left of your education.
We will process the applications as they arrive. Therefore, please submit your application and CV as soon as possible.
If you need further information about the position please contact Niels Batz Carlsen, HR Business Partner, telephone +45 23346156 or email: nbcarlsen (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: CMC BIOLOGICS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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