Arbejde Heat Metering Product Portfolio Manager - Europe (m/f) Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud

Heat Metering Product Portfolio Manager - Europe (m/f)

Are you ready to put your technical and market/sales development skills to the test in a new and highly competitive environment? And are you passionate about developing and working with local sales and marketing strategies for Danfoss products and solutions within the heat metering segment? Then you could be our new Heat Metering Product Portfolio Manager (m/f) in Europe. At Danfoss Heating Solutions, you will be part of a highly respected and well-performing company in the heating industry and have internationally based colleagues. The position offers the successful candidate to be flexible located and you will report directly to the Strategy and Product Portfolio Director. Technical & Business Development Your main objective is to manage the Heat Meter and Automatic Meter Reader (AMR) Product Portfolio for Danfoss covering selected global markets - in close cooperation with local sales companies. This means that you will be responsible for maintaining and strengthening Danfoss position within the Heat Metering market by developing sustainable differentiation and value propositions. Therefore, your major key tasks will include: •For selected markets establish in-sight in key customer needs, market trends and drivers •Participate in the segmentation of customer groups - in order to target products and value propositions optimally •Maintain and further develop competitive heat metering and AMR product range and associated value propositions for selected European markets and key customer groups •Participate in developing appropriate Value Selling tools – targeted specific customer segments – to Danfoss sales force •Prepare Business Cases for new products and product variants •Training and competence building of local product managers and sales people •Develop new product specifications and co-operate with R&D department regarding new products and solutions development •Support local product management and sales in external sales activities such as customer seminars, trainings, etc. •Ensure optimal technical support to sales companies, including technical literature, data and application sheets, etc. •In co-operation with marketing management, develop optimal product strategies and positioning and also pricing strategies for selected markets •Create and implement local and global activity plans for selected markets in co-operation with sales companies Solid Experience & Market Knowledge Being an experienced Product Manager or technical sales, you bring a versatile judgment on what and where specific market opportunities are. You have a proven track record of understanding various heat metering applications by working internationally within heat metering across several European markets. Today you could be working within technical sales, product management, business or market development with more than 5 years of expertise within heat metering systems. Commercial experience, supplemented by technical education/background ideally as an engineer in Mechatronics, HVAC, Electronics or Mechanical Engineering would be a definite strong asset. You work persistently to achieve your goals, and you possess the cooperation skills to develop solid relations both internally and externally. You have business acumen, a global mindset and you are characterized by drive and a positive energy that rubs off on your environment. As you will work in an international environment, fluency in both written and oral English is required and good knowledge of German is welcomed as a plus. What we can offer Robust structures, quick decision making paths and a corporate culture that encourages achievement based on trust, together with a lot of freedom to implement your own ideas is the professional environment that we are offering to you. In these exciting times you have the chance to actively participate in the development and execution of innovative sales and marketing strategies on a national and international scale that

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 86825066

Job kort beskrivelse:
Ledelse af hovedaktiviteten inden for fremstillingsvirksomhed (undtagen landbrug, skovbrug og fiskeri)

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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