Arbejde Head of Publishing unspecified SYBO ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4895661
documentId: 4895661
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540375266163
stillingsbetegnelse: Head of Publishing
We're SYBO ‒ a mobile game studio in the heart of Copenhagen, striving to craft meaningful experiences that can be enjoyed by everyone no matter what their skill. It takes all kinds of talents to bring this vision to life, and right now we’re looking for a Head of Publishing to join our team.
The Head of Publishing will be joining a close-knit team to bring free-to-play (F2P) abstractJV_titles of premium quality to gamers globally. You oversee our PR, marketing, branding, exhibition, and community management efforts in Denmark and the rest of the world.
You love challenging convention with entrepreneurial spirit, you’re willing to embrace the unknown and you’re able to come up with groundbreaking initiatives that will take our relationship with players and media partners to the next level.
You know how to:
- Work closely with the Game Leads to define the vision, targets and priorities for all our published games based on business requirements, analytics and market research
- Manage launches on all abstractJV_titles, coordinating between departments (eg development, promo art, marketing, analytics) to deliver success.
- Manage partner relationships and provide product vision in our role as publisher
- Liaise & collaborate with internal stakeholders to agree product priorities.
- Own and refine our publishing process to support partners and maximise efficiency.
- Provide clear context to the product development teams for how their games fit into the larger picture, how they fit into the marketplace, and how they serve and delight our fans
- Use research and analysis to formulate integrated marketing plans to support new launches and updates. Evaluate budget and performance across marketing channels, making recommendations for optimizations.
- Drive the publishing’s perspective on franchise planning and assess new business opportunities that can accelerate growth.
- Ensure product design, roadmap and communication are infused with consumer insights and reflect the product positioning
- Owner of launch and play test planning across all games
- Identify and evaluate market opportunities for the products including turning consumer research into insights
Who are you?
We are looking for a social, hard-working professional who enjoys working in a team, and is passionate about games, and mobile free-to-play. The ideal candidate will be articulate, proactive & energetic, with the following attributes:
- Bachelor’s degree
- 6+ years of relevant experience within the free-to-play mobile games industry with a solid history of launching multiple successful mobile F2P abstractJV_titles
- Experience across the product life-cycle, from development/ production through soft launch to global launches, to updating a live free-to-play game
- Strong understanding of all aspects of game production (management, planning, scheduling, budgeting, staffing, programming/technology, design, art, audio, video, localization, QA)
- Strong knowledge of the mobile & social game space, with exceptional understanding of current successful strategies to deliver excellent engagement, retention, and monetisation.
- Understanding of game analytics including ability to dissect data and measure ROI and make informed product decisions based on data
- Previous experience building revenue forecasts and undertaking financial modelling
- Strong grasp of mobile user-experience design, and ability to consider & empathise with many different types of players.
- Drive, initiative and ability to self-manage and manage others effectively including prioritising and allocating work to ensure delivery to tight deadlines
- Great communicator with the ability to successfully work with remote partners in different countries across the world.
- Experience defining and presenting business strategies to executives for growth
- Passion for mobile games and their market sector
Nice to haves:
- MBA or equivalent experience
- Experience in runner games
Who we are/Our Values:
At SYBO we build brands worthy of devotion. Our core values are: We believe in Solid Products, we work in a Synced Community, we believe that Performance Matters, we are Passionate Colleagues and we do Daily High Fives!
We can brag about:
- Having the best office location in Copenhagen
- Giving employees the opportunity to do their best work
- Having an informal and creative culture where everybody is heard
We also have...
- Health insurance
- A pension plan
- Healthy, organic lunch buffet
- Massages and training
- Diverse team; currently 21 nationalities
Did you know that:
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYBO ApS
source: DK-STAR
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