Arbejde Head of Product Management – Electricity Solutions and Services unspecified KAMSTRUP A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 5033241
documentId: 5033241
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1566390619963
Head of Product Management – Electricity Solutions and Services
Do you want to make a strategic impact on the digitalization of electricity utilities? Are you passionate about innovation of solutions and services? Can you inspire and lead a professional Product Management team?
Become a part of our Management team in the Electricity DivisionKamstrup is a Danish technology company and one of the world’s leading manufacturer of intelligent metering solutions. We experience rapid growth and focus massively on development and production of intelligent metering equipment and systems for wireless solutions for energy and water consumption. Because of an increased demand for our innovative and intelligent solution, we are looking for a strategic Head of Product Management for our Electricity Division.With direct reference to the Senior Vice President of our Electricity Division, you will join a professional working environment both within your own Product Management Team and as part of the Electricity Business Management Team. You will be responsible for a team of 10+ Product Managers and Technical Writers. Besides that, you will work closely with other managers across the business.
A job with technical and commercial challengesIn the position as Head of Product Management you will drive a strategic, commercial and technical Product Management. You will manage the strategic solution and service portfolio for the electricity utilities and have an important role in specification of new solutions, technical documentation and technical support. To succeed with this, it is important that you have a combined technical and commercial mindset to understand market needs and tender requirements.
More specific your main responsibility will be to:
Ensure value creating solutions and portfolio lifecycle management based on clear customer segmentation and dedicated value proposition
Manage roadmap and release plans in close coordination with sales, solution delivery and R&D
Coordinate with the sales, marketing, delivery and operations teams to develop the right business models, pricing strategies, staff trainingand effective market launch
Ensure development and education of your team
In the job, you can expect around 40-50 travel days per year.
Personality mattersAs a person you are innovative and able to see solutions where other see problems. You are a good communicator with a cheerful spirit and people respect your decisions. As a leader you have a natural holistic and strategic perspective and in a structured way can handle many tasks.
You have a commercial background with technical skills or a technical background with commercial skills including knowledge about value proposition and customer segmentation. In addition, it is a requirement that you:
Have minimum 5 years of leadership experience from a similar position
Have international experience and know-how to handle difference customer needs
Master English fluently both written and oral
Scandinavian languages will be an advance as many of our customers is located in Scandinavian.
We offer more than just a jobAs our new Head of Product Management, we offer you a central position in the Kamstrup Electricity Division at our Headquarter. You will have a high level of responsibility and a big influence on the development of our solutions and strategic decisions. You will be part of a learning environment with professional and motivated people.We offer you flexible working hours and a lot of fringe benefits, such as: great cantina, free fruit, fitness-centre, in-house dentist, in-house hairdresser and free health care clinic. We also have an active employee association.
Do you want to be part of Kamstrup?Please submit your application online. Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis, but you can expect a response within 6 weeks.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Vice President HR, Michael Stubbe on telephone number: +45 89 93 10 00.
About KamstrupKamstrup develops and manufactures innovative solutions for measuring energy and water consumption. Kamstrup is the world's leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative equipment for the district heating sector and is one of the leading European suppliers of smart meters and other equipment for the electricity sector.Kamstrup has over 1500 employees in more than 20 countries with headquarters in Denmark. Kamstrup has a healthy economy, high growth rates and a strong focus on development of technology and staff.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KAMSTRUP A/S
source: DK-STAR
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