Arbejde GN Global Engineering Graduate unspecified GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4906649
documentId: 4906649
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542370564663
stillingsbetegnelse: GN Global Engineering Graduate
GN Store Nord, Ballerup - DenmarkPublished Nov 16, 2018
Start your career by making a difference…
Use your engineering background to make life sound better for people all over the world through intelligent audio solutions. If this resonates with your ambitions, then join our global Graduate Program and get hands-on experience by working in three different engineering related areas and spend 8 months outside of Denmark working abroad. As a Graduate in GN you are joining a vision to transform lives through the power of sound by enabling people to hear more, do more and be more.
In GN, we produce high-tech hearing aids, headsets for communication, sports and music. Our focal point is sound. We are the only company with world-leading expertise in the human auditory system, sound and speech, wireless technologies, and software development linking deep insight and knowledge from both the hearing aid and the headset industries – all under one roof.
Join our researchers and engineers in collaborating on state-of-the-art technology and concepts across consumer, professional and medical grade products and solutions. We share insights and innovation breakthroughs across research clusters and disciplines such as software, hardware, hearing science, neuroscience, AI and psycholinguistics. This unique combination of competencies enables the GN Group to develop truly intelligent audio solutions.
Engineering Graduate
When you start as a Graduate at GN you will be enrolled in a two weeks introduction and visit our global operation site in Denmark. You will be responsible for driving projects and tasks in collaboration with respective departments and the broader organization. Moreover, you will join a network of fellow Marketing and Finance Graduates with a focus on developing cross-functional understanding and business insights.
You will be paired with a mentor that will support you throughout your Graduate Program. After the Graduate Program we expect to match you with the right job at GN on a permanent contract.
The program begins in September 2019.
During the 2-year program you will get access to world-class development tools, R&D laboratories and test facilities.
• You hold a master’s degree in one of the following educational tracks: digital signal processing, audio, acoustics, software, machine learning, electrical or mechanical engineering, IC design, wireless communication, digital experience, physics or mathematics.
• You have delivered excellent results which are shown in your grade point average
• We expect you to have finalized your master thesis up to one year before you start
• You can start in September 2019
• You have relevant experience from previous student jobs
• You have an international mindset and navigate skillfully in different cultures
• You are curios by heart, quality driven, technical minded and a self-driven team player.
At GN, the culture is not as much about hierarchies as it is about your willingness to take ownership of your projects and assignments. We look for candidates who, in addition to their professional skills, enjoy this kind of workstyle and personal autonomy.
GN is everywhere – to make life sound better
We are a global company with more than 30 nationalities working at our headquarters in Denmark.
We specialize in consumer, professional and medical grade solutions with the ambition of being the leader in intelligent audio solutions. Our people are essential to achieving this vision, which is why we place high value on growing a people-focused organization with strong and diverse teams. Securing the right talent pool is a main priority for us and the Graduate Program is a key contributor to this.
Visit and read stories from our current Graduates.
Join us
To apply, use the ´APPLY´ link and remember to attach your motivated application, CV and grade transcript – preferably in one document - all in English. Deadline is April 8, 2019.
If you would like to learn more, please contact Graduate Program Manager Mette Brun Hesselvig on + 45 61 28 69 97.
Meet us
We are present at the DTU Career Fair, March 21st + 22nd 2019.
Websites, and ;
For the purpose of processing your job application, GN will process your personal data. We encourage you not to provide us with sensitive information (e.g. racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health information or sexual orientation) about yourself. Your application will be transferred to the local GN office posting this job. For information about how GN processes your personal data, please read our » privacy policy.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S
source: DK-STAR
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