Arbejde GMP Quality Engineer to improve quality in investment engineering projects unspecified CHR HANSEN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4975867
documentId: 4975867
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1555331431680
GMP Quality Engineer to improve quality in investment engineering projects
Improving food and health for more than 1 billion people every day requires dedicated teamwork. Join us!
At Chr. Hansen we work to improve food and health, and our natural ingredients are consumed by more than 1 billion people every day.
For this to come true we operate integrated global production and supply chain networks using sophisticated technologies and processes. Automation, robotics and IT systems are key components but the key ingredient is efficient people teams focused on delivering to our customers.
As a global market leader in bioscience, we have the opportunity to address important global challenges such as food waste, healthy living, sustainable agriculture – and we need the smartest and most passionate people on board to succeed. Want to join us?
A career with Chr. Hansen
Joining Chr. Hansen is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference while working for a global market leader.
Our employees are our most valuable asset. We want to create a friendly and inspiring work environment, where our people feel as engaged as possible in their daily work. This means no matter which of our operations sites you will be based at you will experience a team based, non-hierarchical and agile organization. We are proud to promote an inspiring and safe work environment and a collaborative culture full of passion to make a difference.
GMP Quality Engineer to improve quality in investment engineering projects
This is a unique chance to work with qualification and documentation in building and equipment investment projects ranging from small to large investments (several million Euros). The product classes range from animal feed through foodstuff, to pharma and infant formula.
You will join an agile team of 5 skilled and dedicated colleagues working across the global Chr. Hansen organization. We work with many exciting projects in a very dynamic environment where we can see and feel the results of our work. Even though we are busy, we always have time to help and share knowledge. We work as a team, we win as a team and we celebrate as a team.
The role
Working as Quality Engineer you must thrive in a dynamic setup where your experience and personality help you deliver professional and effective results. This includes the ability to plan and prioritize the work and keep an overview of the processes.
You will be working across all engineering disciplines. This takes good people skills and communication skills in English, written and spoken. As such, you can transmit your personal enthusiasm and quality mindset to other people around you and ensure deliveries according to plans and deadlines.
Your primary tasks, within areas of responsibility, will be:
- Review of User Requirement Specifications URS, FAT, SAT, IQ, OQ protocols and test plans
- Support engineering package owners in structuring deliverables according to Validation Master Plan
- Maintain relevant SOPs and Forms in the Quality Management System (QMS)
- Support preparation of internal and external audits
- Train others in good documentation practice
- Maintain training plans
- Review of qualification test results and deviations
- Participate in audits/inspections on site and assist at audits of external partners
You will be based at our Avedoere site in the Copenhagen area, but you can expect to be located at our sites in Roskilde and Hoersholm while participating in projects.
Your profile
You come with an educational background from engineering or life science and are comfortable to set the Quality direction in collaboration with stakeholders.
You must have relevant GMP equipment qualification and validation experience (min 2 years) and capabilities to ensure compliance with our internal SOPs. Gathering, reviewing and organizing critical documentation across several work packages will be your primary tasks.
For more information and application
If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to contact Ole Hoejgaard, Team Manager, Team Q on dkolh (at)
Deadline for applications is April 28th 2019.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: CHR HANSEN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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