Arbejde Global Marketing Graduate: start changing your career! unspecified NOVO NORDISK A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNDkzMyA3

reference: 4904933

documentId: 4904933

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542108373793

Global Marketing Graduate: start changing your career!


Looking for a life-changing career within marketing? Use your master’s degree and join the 2-year Global Marketing graduate programme. It will give you hands-on experience of global and local pharmaceutical marketing and sales challenges and product pre-launch, launch and lifecycle processes. The programme has been designed to develop the next generation of marketing leaders and will give you the opportunity to make a difference to the millions of people who rely on our products.


About the Global Marketing graduate programme 
In Novo Nordisk, Global Marketing provides early business input to discovery projects and prepares long-term marketing strategies. We also prepare the markets for product launches and ensure execution of marketing strategies locally. We are responsible for managing our global key opinion leader relationships successfully. Our vision is to be the best marketing operation in the global pharmaceutical industry by being a pivotal contributor to value creation in Novo Nordisk.


During the programme you will work with senior managers and build an international network of world-class colleagues, establishing yourself as one of tomorrow’s key people in marketing at Novo Nordisk.


We’ve designed the Global Marketing graduate programme so that, following its successful completion, you will be equipped with the necessary skills and experience to become an integral part of our company – typically with a permanent position in Denmark or elsewhere in our global organisation.


The position

During the 2-year programme you will undertake three rotations of 8-months duration. One rotation will take place in our corporate headquarters in Denmark and two rotations will be in one of our international affiliates. Examples of recent international rotations include China, Japan, Colombia, Spain, Germany, Malaysia, Italy, the Philippines, US and UK.


The rotations are shaped to suit your development needs, while meeting our business requirements and to ensure you build the required competences needed to become one of “tomorrow’s key people” in Novo Nordisk. Below is an example of how the rotations could be shaped:


  • Rotation 1
    Based in our headquarters in Denmark, you will get in-depth experience with the entire pharmaceutical life-cycle of a brand. Tasks are strategic and analytical in nature and may include product strategy development, positioning/branding, market research, forecasting, conferences and development of promotional material and communication.
  • Rotation 2
    Located in one of our global affiliates, this will be your international marketing rotation. You will gain insights into the analytical and operational work of a local product manager and may work on product launch planning/execution, annual business planning, conference organisation and development of educational materials for physicians and patients.
  • Rotation 3
    During your last rotation you will gain experience with the final link in the pharmaceutical value-chain as you focus on sales in an affiliate market. You will get to understand the foundation of the pharmaceutical business drivers, our customers´ needs and the selling skills necessary to connect with our customers. You will be given responsibility for your own customer and sales targets. Sales operation tasks may include targeting or performance analysis.

Working at Novo Nordisk

As a world leader in diabetes care, working at Novo Nordisk allows you the opportunity to make a significant difference to patients and society, while also providing you with the ability to deliver exciting results from a business perspective in a global pharmaceutical company.


Joining Novo Nordisk should appeal to you not just because we respect and value our employees, but also because of what we do to change the lives of millions of people around the world. To work here you need to be highly ambitious, yet have a team player mind-set and enjoy working in a global and culturally-diverse organisation.



To apply for the Global Marketing graduate programme, you must have:


  • A master’s degree from 2018 or 2019 in a relevant field, for example within marketing, branding, product management, economics or business
    Please note: if you are graduating outside this timeframe then check out these opportunities: student jobs, internships and permanent entry level jobs
  • A minimum of 6 month’s international experience from working, studying or voluntary work
  • Relevant work experience or extracurricular activities obtained next to your studies
  • No more than 1 year of work experience after finishing your master’s
  • Above average academic achievements
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • High drive and ambitious goals
  • Eagerness to learn and willingness to challenge status quo
  • An international mind-set and be globally mobile
  • Team-player skills
  • Ability to adapt to change
  • Professional fluency in English  and proficiency in other leading business languages would be an advantage
  • A valid driver's license (required for 3rd rotation in Sales)


If you meet all the criteria then apply now and no later than 08 January 2019 (GMT+1) by submitting your motivational letter and CV (in English) plus a copy of your master’s certificate or latest grade transcript.


In addition, you must provide a 1-minute video of yourself explaining why you are the ideal candidate for the Global Marketing graduate programme.



See all our other graduate programmes and learn more about the application process at For further information, please contact our Global Marketing Graduates Alison MacPherson at +45 3079 1117 or Gabrielle Leach at +45 3079 1084..


Important: Prepare this before you apply
Before you click the “Apply now” button please ensure you have prepared a motivational cover letter, your CV and latest transcript.

To supplement the written information you will be asked to record a 1 minute video, where you are asked to answer: “Why am I the perfect candidate for this graduate programme?” Your video answer will be recorded as a part of the application process. Note that you will be able to record you answer several times before submitting. Tip! Meet candidates and Programme Managers in this video and hear their experiences with the application video.


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK A/S

source: DK-STAR


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