Arbejde Fun & outgoing Segway Tour Guide unspecified Segway Cruise ApS - jobtilbud

id: NTAyNDk3MyA3

reference: 5024973

documentId: 5024973

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1564684211363

stillingsbetegnelse: Fun & outgoing Segway Tour Guide


Segway Cruise Copenhagen is looking for new & fresh tour guides for the remainder of the 2019 season including our high season in August & September, as well as from October onwards. 

Would you like to have a cool workday consisting of cruising on a Segway while showing tourists from all over the world our beautiful city? If so and if you have an outgoing & fun personality then this is the job for you: 

Segway Cruise is a guided tour & event company located on Langelinie, close to Østerport Station in Copenhagen. We run daily guided tours on the fun & eco-friendly Segway machines in Copenhagen and surrounding areas. We also arrange several corporate events all over Denmark. Therefore there is always variety and no dull moments working with us. Please take a read on our website:

You will be joining a team of really nice colleauges who all love to ride Segways and truly enjoy working with the many various customers who visit us. We are a relatively new company with eager ambitions to grow and expand. We are a relatively small team but all part of the company's success, and share the same goal of providing a first-class service & giving the best sightseeing experience in the city - and it is important you share these same priorities.  


  • Love being outdoors all day long, come rain or sunshine?
  • Have a desire to create an entertaining & memorable tour for our worldwide visitors?
  • Have a passionate interest in Copenhagen and want to share your knowledge?
  • Have a responsible and professional work ethic?
  • Want to have a unique workday?

If you answered yes to all of the above, then you could just be the guide we need!

Once you have completed the training to our standard (read further below), your job responsibilites will include:

  • Being Segway Guide on our various sightseeing & private tours: providing fun, informative and engaging tours to tourists (and locals). Here you are furthermore required to:
    • Know all information provided to you. This includes information about the city, safety protocols, ALL the handbook procedures (which you will be given), etc.
    • Be able to run tours on time 
    • Being able to provide extensive information about the city and answering customer questions, helping them with their subsequent plans if needed.
    • Show independent thinking
    • Having a professonal approach, as you are also representing the firm.
    • Strong leadership skills - YOU are in charge of the group you are taking out 
  • Support to our corporate events where you will be assiting with teambuilding excercises, etc. and leading a larger group
  • Be meticulous and detail-oriented with all aspects of the job 
    • Cleaning duties will be part of the job; you will need to ensure the shop is tidy and clean - dusting, vacuuming, etc; helmets sprayed; Segways washed.
    • You will be required to set up for your customers & clean up after them
    • An independent work approach is necessary as you sometimes will be running tours in the shop alone if e.g. management/guides are on other off-site duties
  • Social Media tasks
    • Instagram & Facebook is something we use quite a lot so taking pictures on the tours and helping run these accounts will be required
  • Street-marketing
    • Occassionally you will be required to take street-marketing shifts; this entails approaching people with a confident and engaging attitude trying to sell our tours

In order to apply for this job you have to be:

  • Fluent in English. Additional languages are definitely a big plus (especially German). Native Danish speakers are also preferred. 
  • Outgoing with a lively & fun personality. You have to be comfortable with public speaking and know how to engage an audience. There is a big social aspect in this job as you are the go-to person for the customer.
  • Responsible & Dutiful. It is important you have a mature approach to the job, and can demonstrate leadership abilities. It is a big responsibility to become a Segway Guide, and safety is the most important factor when people are riding on these machines with you.  
  • Service-minded. It is important you pride yourself in providing a first-class experience as we have a high standard at our company. A big part of their tour will be you, and you should always want to perform at your best ability.
  • Minimum 21 years with a clean criminal record.
  • Locally based (or nearby) with a good knowledge of Copenhagen
  • Minimum of a high-school diploma or equivalent. Bachelor/post-graduate degree is a plus.
  • Available to fully work during August & September (ie no vacation plans) as well as in our low-season from October onwards.
  • Prepared for a flexible working day. Days can sometimes be unpredictable with e.g. more tours added or last-minute shifts becoming available. Working for a smaller company entails being able to go-with-the-flow and being accomodating to a flexible work day.

It would be a plus (but not requried) if:

  • You speak additional languages to Danish & English
  • You have experience in the service-industry, especially within tourism.
  • You have experience with social media marketing
  • You have sales experience
  • You have prior knowledge to Segways
  • You have first-aid skills


You will be trained thoroughly in all the procedures and given the necessary tools to fulfil your job so you can become a Segway guide. It is however required that you learn this on your own time. Once training begins, it is really up to you on how fast you want to complete this. There are however a minimum number of Segway hours required.

The job is flexible and your work-week will vary. We run tours daily and in the high season you will most likely be working more than one tour per day, so it is important you have a good stamina for repeat tours, and a love for being outdoors.

We are looking for someone who can begin immediately, complete the training fairly quickly and already begin to take shifts in mid August. As we are a seasonal business, the schedule will become more spontanteous once we reach October. We do however still run tours year-round, so we welcome applicants who want to continue into our low season and make a longer commitment.

If this sounds like a place you would like to explore getting a job opportunity send us your application now and remember to include:

  • Cover Letter
  • CV
  • Job reference(s)
  • Any diplomas of language courses, first aid courses, etc. completed
  • Optional: A short video highlighting an interesting fact about yourself e.g. your favourite hang-out place in Copenhagen; give us a fact you think we might not know; show us your party-trick; etc.

numberOfPosts: 2


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: parttime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Segway Cruise ApS

source: DK-STAR


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