Arbejde Fullstack Developer, SEO Product Team unspecified SITEIMPROVE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1MDI2NyA3

reference: 4950267

documentId: 4950267

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551097633783

stillingsbetegnelse: Fullstack Developer, SEO Product Team


Are you newly graduated or maybe within your first job, have either a desire or some experience working as a full-stack software developer together with an agile team and modern development technologies? If the answer is YES, I AM then keep reading.

You will be joining our cross functional SEO team helping you expand the needed knowledge to excel in your worklife as fullstack developer. Your daily work will be as member of a product team staffed with experienced profiles like product owner, UX/UI designer, tester and several skilled and experienced developers.

The team focus on extending features and supporting our SEO product that helps companies to optimize their online presence for both users and search engines. Working with the team you’ll be creating more SEO transparency and effective workflows for bigger organizations, while navigating in the fascinating domain of digital marketing.

We’re ready to give you a warm welcome, join our team!


  • Develop and maintain application code in one of our product teams, frontend and backend
  • Participate in all aspects of the software development cycle including design, implementation, bug fixing and test.
  • Participate in break-down, design and implementation of user stories
  • Work together with the product owner, UX/UI designers, operations specialists, testers and fellow developers to shape nothing less than great solutions for our customers
  • Take part in and improve on the way we develop software both in and across teams

What we require of you

  • Have a relevant educational background within IT, bachelor level as a minimum.
  • Have some experience with a modern programming language, frontend and backend and continuously expands own skill set.
  • Thrive working in an iterative development process, being a strong, independent problem-solver.
  • Be proud of what you deliver to end users.
  • Be fluent in spoken and written English.
  • You should be equipped to over time challenge and tune our processes, and you should be ready to influence us in your favorite practices.

What we'll love about you

  • That you’re a self-driven, creative, inquisitive individual possessing lots of drive, aiming to join a team of skilled colleagues, whom you can inspire, and who can inspire you towards delivering a world class product
  • Have a natural interest and passion for building software
  • Practical knowledge of agile development and continuous delivery
  • Knowledge about cloud-based and/or SaaS solutions

We use Slack for a lot of our communication. If you are up to the task of adding another Slackbot to our system, let us know! We also have an internal Raspberry Pi project that always could use a new feature.

The Siteimprove toolbox

  • Primarily C#/.NET, but also Go and Javascript
  • React, Typescript, Vue.js, ASP.NET MVC, Knockout
  • Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Kafka, Redis, Postgres
  • CloudFormation, Terraform, bash

We value general skills and experience higher than any specific technology, and technology stacks should always be challenged, improved and renewed. If you have an interest in any of the above, or if you have something to add, we will consider that a bonus.

What You'll Love About Us

Siteimprove is a Danish founded multinational company with over 450 employees worldwide. In addition to our headquarters in the heart of Copenhagen, we have offices in Minneapolis, London, Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam, Oslo, Sydney and Toronto, and our customers are spread across North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.

Siteimprove transforms the way organizations manage and deliver their digital presence. With the Siteimprove Intelligence Platform, you gain complete visibility and deep insights, empowering you and your team to measure what matters, drive accountability, and act with certainty.

We also offer amazing perks!

  • Great and Inspiring Company Culture. We are passionate, innovative and people-centric. We’re consistently named as a great place to work across the globe
  • Amazing Kitchen Staff. Our celebrity head chef and his kitchen staff cook delicious lunch for us every day. There’s always cake on Fridays and on special occasions and celebrations (which, luckily, is quite often). Naturally, we offer free coffee, free sodas and free fruit ad libitum, plus there’s opportunity to buy food to take home at extremely reasonable prices
  • Outstanding Office Location. We are located in the heart of Copenhagen in a beautiful building sometimes referred to as “the Palace” by our employees
  • Own Friday Bar. On the top floor, we have our very own Friday Bar with quality beverages. In the summer, we may take the party to our cozy courtyard for barbecuing in the sun
  • Coding Club, Events, and Workshops. The Coding Club meets weekly (pizza and beverages on the house), and we regularly throw in-house events and workshops
  • Corporate Social Responsibility. We do various activities to be a good corporate citizen, and we are very proud to be a socially responsible company, internally and externally.

How To Apply

Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button to submit your application. If you have any questions regarding the job or need a reasonable accommodation to apply, feel free to contact our Talent Acquisition Specialist Jacob Bjerrehuus at +45 3161 6742.

Siteimprove is a global corporation and has developed data practices designed to assure your personally-identifiable information is appropriately protected. Please note that personal information may be transferred, accessed and stored globally as necessary for the uses and disclosures stated in accordance with our Privacy Policy at

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SITEIMPROVE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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