Arbejde Full-Stack Developer unspecified CYBERCOM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4908609
documentId: 4908609
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542804074036
stillingsbetegnelse: Full-Stack Developer
GenieLabs is the part of GenieBelt working on next generation features of our product. We do so by working directly with selected customers iteratively working from PoC to MVP. After MVP we will handover to product that will chose how to take over. The headlines for next generations features of our product are integrations, business intelligence and reporting.
Working in GenieLabs you will
- Work with all parts of the development process (gathering requirements, producing specifications, coding, testing and delivering production ready features)
- Test new stacks and experiment with various tools and technologies
- Drive PoCs and skunkwork projects
- Create integrations between different systems
- Build and consuming RESTful/GraphQL APIs
- Build backends in NodeJS (With Typescript)
- Build frontends in React (With Typescript)
- Build integrations in C#
- A general understanding of software architecture and best practices
- A solid foundation within Computer Science (algorithms, data structures, foundations of programming languages, etc.)
- Passionate about learning and growth
- A super junior or an experienced senior
- Worked with relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL etc)
- Integrity, dedication, proud of what you do, strong collaboration skills.
It is not important that you can tick off all the boxes on this list or that you’re equally talented in frontend and backend. What really counts is your experience as a developer and that you know how to apply your experience to the given tech stack and languages.
- Competitive salary and compensation package
- Lots of technical challenges and opportunities to grow with the company
- A fun and casual work environment in a friendly team
- Offices located in in the Center of Copenhagen right next to City Hall and Tivoli
- 16+ different nationalities in the office, including crackpots who likes to build their office equipment from scrap construction items
- A group of people who believe in a social and informal work environment where people thrive and have fun every day instead of a yearly outing
- People who take pride in our company culture, where we are able to blend great results and work with a relaxed and fun-loving atmosphere.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: CYBERCOM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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