Arbejde Fuldtidssælger Midtjylland MCPHONE TELEMARKETING A/S - jobtilbud
Er du til kundekontakt? Har du mod på at lære nyt? Vil du opleve succes? – så har vi måske jobbet til dig. Om Jobbet: Du bliver ansvarlig for at sælge pr. telefon Fast timeløn og gode personaleforhold Fleksibel arbejdstid som aftales individuelt Grundig oplæring og træning/uddannelse Du vil stifte bekendtskab med mange spændende brancher og produkter/ydelser Vi tilbyder: Et alsidigt, selvstændigt og udfordrende job, hvor du bliver en del af en velfungerende og seriøs salgsafdeling. Du kan forvente højt humør, en dedikeret og seriøs arbejdsplads, et godt sammenhold med dygtige kolleger, let adgang til ledelsen og hjælp samt coaching og træning efter behov. Den faste løn afhænger af din erfaring med salg. Din bonus herudover er uden loft og afgøres af dine salgsresultater. Vi forventer af dig: At du er målrettet og passioneret omkring salg og kommunikation med mennesker At du kan arbejde selvstændigt og resultatorienteret At du kan holde mange bolde i luften – og har nemt ved at skabe et overblik i en stor produktportefølje At du er konkurrenceminded og at du bliver motiveret af din egen og andres succes At du har en god energi og et smittende humør Arbejdstiden med betalte pauser er: Man-tors: 12-20 Fredag: 9-14 Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, er du meget velkommen til at ringe til Projektleder Jonathan Offersen på telefon 5339 1439 ANSØG HER:
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89202020
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 86801505
Job kort beskrivelse: Almindeligt kontor- og kundeservicearbejde
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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1 Steinsetzer/in in Randers/ Dänemark Arbeitsort: - EUR Pr. måned
Murer- og brolægningsarbejde
Gerne auch Teams. Vielseitigkeit ist von Vorteil. Ihr Profil: - abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Steinsetzer/in oder Pflaster/in - Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch wären vorteilhaft, sind aber keine Bedingung. - keine Führungsverantwortung. Wir
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Application Manager with solid experience within pump solutions and water treatment -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
If you have extensive experience and knowledge of pumps, pump solutions and water treatment systems, this is your chance to be our go-to expert for global sales companies in Grundfos. Join an innovation driven company, and be directly involved in the
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Assistant Project Manager for EMEA Onshore North wind turbine projects (216979) -
Ledelse af hovedaktiviteten inden for fremstillingsvirksomhed (undtagen landbrug, skovbrug og fiskeri)
For our EMEA Onshore North team based in Ikast, Denmark, we are looking for a dynamic and proactive Assisting Project Manager. The Assisting Project Manager will support the Project Manager in ensuring
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Business Developer -
Revisions- og regnskabscontrollerarbejde
Would you like to work in an international, innovative organisation, where we produce high quality solutions and are constantly looking to develop both existing and new products? Here is your chance to be involved in a long-term transformation of our
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C4C Business Consultant-160000CH -
Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi
We are looking for an IT Business consultant that can build, improve and optimise Vestas aftermarket solutions using SAP C4C. You’ll be right in the middle of a key part of Vestas strategy and business, with an exciting time of rapid growth ahead of
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Commercial Sales Manager (195875) -
Ledelse af salg og marketing
For our Sales North department we are looking for a Commercial Sales Manager. Sales North is a dynamic experienced department responsible for the sales activities in the Nordic region in Europe. What are my responsibilities? · Co-driving activities/strategy
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Data Scientist-160000CO -
Are you a hands-on Data Scientist? Are you passionate about analysing data and developing algorithms? If so, this is your chance to play a vital part in improving our wind turbines and contributing to a greener future with the largest wind turbine manufacture
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Documentation Coordinator (205295) -
For our Production Technology department, part of Operations Towers in Brande, Denmark, we are looking for an enthusiastic colleague to distribute the production documentation for our external tower manufacturers, participate in the approval of incoming
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
ECM Specialist (184289) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For the ECM and Implementation Standards, within our Global Industrial Engineering department, we are looking for an ECM Specialist. Our team develop, implement and maintain the standards for ECM handling in our Nacelle plants. Furthermore, we cover the
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EMD specialist (193376) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Nacelle Department within the Technology Department in Brande we are looking for a dedicated EMD (Engineering Master Data) Specialist. The department is responsible for development and maintenance of one of the major modules in a wind turbine
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Equipment Project Manager (199977) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Transport Lifting team within Equipment Development we are looking for a Project Manager for developing installation and service equipment for the entire SWP turbine fleet. Equipment Development is an internal rental business which rents out equipment
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Global Master Planner (203021) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Global Material Planning team we are looking for a Global Master Planner to conceptualize and roll out all processes related to our Global Material Planning and Forecasting. As the Global Master Planner you will be responsible for the anchoring
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Industri laboranter -
Teknikerarbejde inden for kemisk og fysisk videnskab
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Instructor for Service Site Management Training (166539) -
For our training department in Service Wind Power we are looking for an instructor to carry out the Service Site Management training (SSMT). SSMT is a program with the purpose of supplying our operational leaders with the comprehensive knowledge and skills on Siemens Wind policy and procedures to enable
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Kok - til Brande - Gourmiddag A/S -
Vi søger en dygtig og kvalitetsbevidst kok med erfaring fra restaurationsbranchen, som sammen med et engageret køkkenteam skal servicere BESTSELLERs medarbejdere og gæster i vores afdeling i Brande. ?Du skal have kendskab til brug af vacuummaskine, langtidstilberedning, brug af forskellige
Gourmiddag A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Ledig lærerstilling på Studsgaard Friskole -
Undervisning på grundskoleniveau (inkl. 10. klasse)
Studsgård Friskole ligger blot 6 min eller to stop med tog fra Herning i retning mod Kibæk. Vi er en Grundtvig-koldsk friskole centralt beliggende i en lille aktiv og foreningsstærk landsby.
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Mechanical Engineer - Cooling & Conditioning-150000TT -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
Are you experienced with Cooling, Conditioning and System Design? Are you motivated by wind energy and wanting to become a specialist within the field? We currently have a need for a Mechanical Engineer, where you can develop your passion and career within
Vestas Wind Systems A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Norsk Salgsassistent -
Norsk salgsassistent søges til TELEMARKETING CENTRET ApS Du er: - Selger - Utadvent - Kontaktskapende - Overbevisende i din framferd - Behagelig og smilende telefonstemme - Utholdende, målrettet og omhyggelig - God i norsk skrift og tale - Erfaren i bruk av PC - Kjenskap til svensk og dansk
TELEMARKETING CENTRET ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
NPI Tech Lead-140000T4 -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
Operating in Technology & Service Solutions, New Product Introduction’s role is to ensure that products under development can be produced at best prices and assembly quality at our factories and suppliers. Vestas has multiple factories that assemble
Vestas Wind Systems A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Process Consultant Demand Planning -
Andet arbejde inden for forretningsservice
You are not afraid to admit it: You are a bit of a neat freak! You do not like errors, but you thoroughly enjoy finding and correcting them to make a system flawless. And that is why we need you. We need that key person who can keep our demand planning
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Production Engineer (226935) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Production Technology department, part of Operations Towers in Brande, Denmark, we are looking for an experienced Production Engineer to support external tower manufacturers as well as internal operational teams and our Engineering department.
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Senior Procurement Specialist (193903) -
Ledelse af salg og marketing
For our Procurement Methods Processes Systems (MPS) team we are looking for a Senior Procurement Specialist. The MPS team defines standards and provides tools to support the global procurement activities of Siemens Wind Power. Our supplier management
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Siemens Graduate Program - Engineering Track -
Arbejde med arkitektur, infrastruktur og design
For Siemens Energy in our Wind Power division we are looking for engineering graduates with leadership potential, an excellent academic track record and an interest in helping us shape the future of our company and making a difference in the world. What
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Smed -
Til ansættelse snarest muligt søges en faglært eller tillært smed eller maskinarbejder. Det er et krav at du kan svejse. Du skal varetage svejseopgaver, drejeopgaver, opbygning af maskiner og lidt servicearbejde. Fast varigt arbejde
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Software Developer focused on quality and test -
Would you like to influence the quality of the software we put into our products - products that have a direct impact on the world’s energy consumption? Do you want excellent career opportunities and are you ready to take your competencies within embedded
GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Struer Statsgymnasium søger ny leder til kostskolens køkken -
Arbejde med finans, regnskab og matematik
Vi søger pr. 1. juni 2014 – gerne før - en ny leder til kostskolens køkken og skolens kantine. • Du har en relevant uddannelse og erfaring, og du er god til at lave sund og lækker mad • Du har erfaring med og flair for
Struer Statsgymnasium - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Team Lead Scada Software (203974) -
Almindeligt kontorarbejde
For our Scada Software Development Team within the Technology Department we are looking for a highly skilled and dedicated team lead. What are my responsibilities? · You will lead a group of software developers and architects, who are driving the
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Technical Writer (183005) -
For our Customer Order Engineering department (Onshore – UK, North Europe and APAC) we are looking for a Technical Writer with passion for transforming technical data into easy understandable installation and dismantling manuals, and other related work
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Tool Developer (175123) -
Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
For our Tooling department within Manufacturing Equipment in Brande, Denmark we are looking for a pro-active and outgoing Tool Developer. The department provides inbound transport solutions in terms of inbound transport equipment and packaging specifications
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Training Developer, Technical High Voltage (172332) -
Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
For Global Training in Service Wind Power we are looking for a Technical Training Developer with special focus on High Voltage, Switchgear, TRAFO, Operation during installation and Operation & maintenance to secure compliance in the service business.
Siemens A/S - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland